February 24, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Yarde must SHUT UP as COVID claims miles off

GPSU President, Patrick-Yarde

This is what the idiom ‘Put up or shut up’ cautions.
Yarde at a recent press conference claimed several fully-vaccinated Guyanese were still
succumbing to the highly contagious COVID 19. Yarde also cast doubts on the integrity of the
vaccine used by the government.
He told reporters he sent the dossier to the health ministry which apparently, they have ignored.
Health Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony, dismissed Yarde’s assertions since, locally, regionally or
internationally, there are no such reports.
Then www.aroundtheregions.com pressed the GPSU for evidence to back up Yarde’s claims.
Union officials became evasive. The dossier was under wraps.
Yarde dodged interviews with this media house. He avoided answering his mobile phone or calls
to his WhatsApp.
After numerous tries, a female, identifying herself as Yarde’s Secretary, finally responded.
But it was to distract and delay. She directed all calls and queries to Ms. Dawn Gardener,
Yarde’s Vice President. She refused to do interviews but requested all questions in writing
before venturing a response.
This media complied and is awaiting Gardener to hold up her end of the bargain. Like Yarde, she
too has been ignoring all follow-up calls. Before the brouhaha created by her bargaining agency,
Ms. Gardner was easily accessible to this media house. That seems to be history now.

Was Mr. Yarde up to mischief with his public utterances?
Why sow doubt in such a sensitive, life-or-death decision?
It is hard to think that Mr. Yarde would lie publicly, knowing he could be ‘fact checked’!
We await public disclosure from the government on the GPSU’s putative dossier if the union
boss continues with his prevarication.
Patrick Yarde must be held publicly accountable. He owes it to all Guyanese to reveal the source
of his misleading information.
GPSU’s Yarde is not only in the Guyanese vernacular, ‘playing politics’, lamentably, he is
playing with peoples’ lives.