February 24, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

UN resolution on Ukraine supported by Guyana

Ambassador, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett

Guyana has repeated its call for the cessation of attacks by Russia on Ukraine, urging instead for
the peaceful resolution of conflict and a return to diplomacy.
This call was made by Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador,
Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett on Tuesday. This was after the United Nations’ (UN) General
Assembly re-convened for day two of an emergency session on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as
a Russian convoy of tanks and other armoured vehicles move on the capital city of Kyiv. It was
noted that the General Assembly will vote this week on a draft resolution to isolate Russia by
deploring its “aggression against Ukraine” and demanding Russian troops stop fighting and
withdraw on Friday.
The session is being held at United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Ambassador
Birkette stressed that Guyana fully aligns itself with the statements issued by Caricom
Community and with the declaration of Organization of American States (OAS) on the situation
in Ukraine.
The Guyanese ambassador said that the deep concern of the government, over the recent military
intervention by Russia in violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and
called for an immediate cessation of hostility and a return to diplomacy. “Guyana deplores the
threat of use of force in the conduct of international relation and urges a peaceful resolution of
the differences that currently exist in consonance with the rule of international law and the
provisions of the United Nations charter,” Ambassador Rodrigues-Birkett was quoted as telling
the UN.
The ambassador noted that the current military action of Ukraine is contrary to the principles of
respect for territorial integrity, sovereignty and none-interference of the affairs of another
sovereign state. “The aggression against Ukraine is a threat to the region and countries
everywhere. The Government of Guyana therefore supports the efforts of the UN Secretary
General to bring a speedy resolution to the situation in Ukraine and cease the threats to
international peace and security,” the ambassador said.
As such, Ambassador Birkette declared that the Guyana Government fully supports the
resolution brought before the UN General Assembly.