October 28, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

To uplift youths, transform community, Agricola residents, government partner

President Ali addressing a number of residents during a community meeting in Agricola Sunday morning

President Irfaan Ali has outlined several projects to be undertaken immediately, in an effort to create a better future for persons living in the community of Agricola, East Bank Demerara.

The announcement was made during an impromptu meeting in the community Sunday morning, aimed at chartering a future that will give young people the best possibilities, as well as transforming the community.

While there were a number of issues raised by residents, the President said his government will immediately put mechanisms in place to address priority matters.

Ali underscored the need for improved drainage infrastructure and creating a better environment by cleaning the surroundings, noting that the community will be actively involved in the works to improve the area, creating ownership and a sense of responsibility.

“Based on what I heard, the drainage is the number one priority… We are going to start before the end of next week, to get a group together from the community itself that we are going to engage [and] hire to clean all the internal drainage [and] to look at all the culverts, he said.

President Ali greets a youngster of Agricola after arriving in the community Sunday morning

Additionally, the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will also be commencing works to excavate the two major drainage canals in the area and to examine and fix the malfunctioning koker that the residents highlighted.

It was disclosed that the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) will visit the community to assess and address the water issues there, as instructed by the head of state.

“They are going to come in [and] flush the system… However, we are investing in a number of projects right now that will see you getting treated water in another two and a half years or less,” Ali said.

Meanwhile, a number of existing recreational infrastructures in Agricola will be revamped to be more conducive for youth and family activities.

The head of state expressed his desire to provide training for young people interested in the construction sector. Persons who are willing to receive the technical skills were asked to register their names and get ready for the new knowledge.

President Ali greets a resident of Agricola after arriving in the community Sunday morning

He noted that the construction sector, requires a lot of workers, and the government aims to provide employment opportunities, especially for those who receive training.

“We want the young people in this community to be part of the works to improve the community, because it creates more ownership, it is your community and [you] will want to see it done better,” Ali stressed.

The president emphasized the need for residents to work together to find solutions for the challenges facing Agricola, and stressed the importance of creating a positive environment, where everyone supports each other, and the community can generate positivity.