February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

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Teachers critical to Guyana’s development – Minister Manickchand

Minister of Education, Hon. Priya Manickchand.

Minister of Education, Hon. Priya Manickchand says it is important that Guyana recognise and support the sacrifices teachers are making to ensure the nation’s children receive their education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year’s theme “Teachers: Leading in the crisis, reimagining the future” is especially fitting, Minister Manickchand said, as teachers have been forced to learn and to use innovate new methods to ensure that their students complete their curriculum.


“The attainment of our development objectives tomorrow require that we champion the cause of our teachers today. In the face of the displacing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, our teachers have had to find innovative means of meeting the education needs of our diverse student population,” Minister Manickchand said.

The Minister reiterated that teachers have led the mission to ensure that every child gets the education they deserve in the wake of the displacing effects of the pandemic.

“Our teachers have had to find innovative means of meeting the educational needs of our diverse student population. Our education system, like no other time in our history, has had to confront the issues of digital divide and other related equity concerns in our effort to ensure every child gets the education they deserve.  Leading this mission are our teachers who in many instances are also parents and have had to selflessly place the needs of all our nation’s children as their foremost priority,” she said.


The Minister said the commitment and dedication displayed by teachers gives her great confidence in Guyana’s ability as a nation to meet the challenges of reimagining and retooling our education system for the demands of the future.

“The countless anecdotes capturing the lengths to which many of our teachers have gone to continue to engage their charges are testaments to the quality of the teaching service we are blessed with in Guyana,” she said.

Minister Manickchand said her Ministry will work with the Guyana Teachers Union and all stakeholders to ensure that teachers and teaching are given their due regards and recognition.

“As we provide education through the various mediums available to us, the Ministry is supporting Guyana’s teachers by providing opportunities for them to strengthen their overall competence in developing content and delivering through multiple modalities,” she said.  


The Government of Guyana is committed to supporting the nation’s teachers and securing the professional standing and recognition they deserve.

“I call on all of Guyana to join me in wishing our nation’s teachers a healthy and happy World Teachers’ Day as they continue to strive for the advancement of this nation we all love,” the Minister said.

Teachers help to develop the country, they are the educators, influencers, motivators, encouragers who have selfless characters that help students to achieve greatness. Today, Guyana reminisces on the contributions teachers have made to our lives and the nation’s development. World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated annually since 1994.


By Shantelle Stanley