February 22, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Rutherford flunks opposition APNU+AFC

APNUAFC Leader David Granger and Leader of the Opposition Joe Harmon

Partnership for National Unity Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) 2015-2020 David Granger
government has flunked his former party for its performance as the main opposition.
A frustrated Rutherford in an exclusive with www.aroundtheregioins.com queried rhetorically:
“What more do you expect of them, can you get better from this opposition?”
“For me in Guyanese politics the opposition will operate a certain way and many times when you
listen to the speeches, you realise they oppose for opposing sake,” Rutherford said.
He felt the APNU+AFC badly bungled moves on the perennial loss-making sweetener industry,
Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) historically aligned with the ruling Peoples Progressive
Party (PPP).
From a high of some 400 sugar estates that existed in British Guiana in the 19th century, the figure
plunged to about 11 by the time the industry was nationalized in the mid-1770s.
Because GUYSUCO was a drag on the public purse, successive administrations on both sides of
the aisle further trimmed the sweetener industry no longer enjoying guaranteed preferential
prices from Europe.
When the APNU+AFC shut the doors of Wales, Rose Hall and Skeldon estates during its first two
years in office sending thousands of workers on the breadline, PPP called it callous and unconscionable.
“Sugar is a critical thing as its more than economics, it has a social value and in 2015 those areas
were really not looked at and even to when the decision was made that you will move away from
this thing, how you responded was not one that people could be please about,” Rutherford
The APNU+AFC one-year performance as opposition “is dismal” according to Rutherford.

He argued its current failure is a ‘carry over’ form their five-year rule in government when they
ignored many pre-elections promises, including not closing the sugar industry.
“This was a severe blow,” to the image of the party, Rutherford said. He said it is clear that the
party hasn’t learnt from the GUYSUCO mishandling and other crucial missteps, and, for him, it
demonstrates that APNUAFC is incapable of effectively addressing issues whether they are in or
out of Government.
He predicts that “their performance will continue to hurt our country if they do not enlighten
their game as we certainly need better opposition. They have got to lift their game because they
must know that when they speak, they are not only speaking to their supporters, but to the entire
Guyana. Likewise, the government must realize that when they speak, they speak you are not
speaking to your supporters but to all Guyana.”
He expects future failing grades for his erstwhile colleagues because, in his estimation, they fail
to do their homework.
“I think sometimes they have been short in preparation and in some cases, they play politics
rather than (deal with) the issue. We know what parliament is like. There is lots of politics more
than the issues, but importantly, the opposition had to know that they cannot go harsh on some
“Criticisms of the $19,000.00 (‘Because We Care’ cash grant for students enrolled in public
schools) is one that they should leave alone because they have to realise that the very supporters
who they would want to support them would be the first who would want that dollar and the
opposition always claims that they represent the persons who are disadvantaged.”
“They should realise how important those monies would be as the monies are not coming
from the PPP coffers but rather the government coffers and like (James) Bond, I fully, fully
endorse the $19,000.00,” Rutherford said.