February 22, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Regional Chairman tours Region Ten RDC bond – Expresses concern over lengthy storage time of items

The protracted period that some items are being kept in storage is of concern to Regional Chairman of the Region Ten Democratic Council [RDC], Mr Renis Morian.

He highlighted his concern during a tour of the RDC’s bond which saw him being accompanied by Councillors and the Regional Executive Officer (REO), Orrin Gordon.
The tour which was done shortly after the Council’s most recent statutory meeting was geared at examining the bond and seeking to ascertain what items were there and whether they are distributed in a timely manner.
“What we are seeing is that some of the items were being held in the bond a bit too long. This can and may pose a challenge to the various departments. As such, I would be holding an urgent meeting with the Regional Executive Officer [REO], the Regional Health Officer [RHO] and the Regional Education Officer [REDO] so that a more aggressive and effective system can be implemented so to ensure that items are not held at the bond too long,” said Morian.

The Regional Chairman went on to point out that he has some additional concerns but stopped short of identifying these. He instead stated that at the proposed meeting he intends to have these and other concerns ironed out.
“There are some concerns and issues that I would like to address. However, I would rather wait until I would have met with the officers identified before going into details,” he said.

Morian said that the decision to take a spontaneous tour of the bond came after he had instructed the Regional Education Officer, Mr Rabindra Singh, to have a number of items that were being held in the bond distributed to the respective schools for which they were intended.

He said that he wanted to be assured that the instructions that the Council had issued were acted upon to ensure that the students in Region Ten do not suffer because of the tardy behaviour and actions of anyone.
“Throughout my statutory meeting, I had already planned to visit the bond but held back from revealing this to the REO and DREO as I wanted to be assured that no one had any prior knowledge. As such, while I am not overjoyed I am somewhat pleased that the situation there is manageable,” he reasoned.

He said that there is certainly a need for more aggressive systems to be implemented and hopefully this will be done with the assistance of the REO. He said that REO Gordon is one who is determined to ensure that the systems are enhanced and further developed.

As such, he stressed that the education, health and agriculture committees will be harder at work this year. He noted, too, that efforts will be made to visit a number of places with the view of improving, implementing and further developing what is already there.
According to Morian, the visit to the bond forms part of a more in-depth 2019 plan which will see the Councillors accompanied by him and the Deputy Vice Chairman going out into the fields more often as they seek to better understand and monitor what is happening.