February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Region Ten benefits enormously from 2020 Budget

Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and regional Development, Anand Persaud
has disclosed that the people of Region Ten will benefit enormously from provisions for them in
the 2020 budget.
The Minister in a recent visit to the region said that the region will benefit significantly as there
are a number of provisions that were made for the various programmes within the region.
In identifying the budgetary provisions for 2020, Minister Persaud said that under Education the
region secured 165,785,000.00, for Admin they received 17,493,000.00, for Public Works they
secured 43,193,000.00, while for Health they received 66,002,000.00.
This, he said is to ensure that several programmes and projects are successfully executed as the
Government is determined to enhance and further develop the region. “We have ensured that
these monies were passed for Region Ten because we are aware that there are great plans aimed
at developing and further growing the region,” Minister Persaud said.
Going in depth as to the budgetary allocations and some of the projects that are expected to be
executed. Minister Persaud said that there will be the continuation construction of the
Christianburg primary and nursery schools, the rehabilitation of the One Mile Primary. He also
said that there will be extension to Blue Berry Hill and Half Mile primary schools.
He disclosed that for admin the monies would be used mainly for the continuation of
rehabilitation work the current RDC building and other operational costs within the admin. He
disclosed that Public Works will utilize its 2020 budgetary allocations for the construction of a
bridge at Kara Kara along with the construction of a revetment and erosion control along with
the rehabilitation of a concrete bridge at Retrieve.
Regarding works being done under Admin, the Minister disclosed that rehabilitation work will
be done on the current RDC building.
These projects he stressed is aimed at bringing about massive infrastructural development within
the region. “The people of Region Ten are being taken care of as we as a government want to
ensure that we bring development to every region in Guyana. We remain confident that Region
Ten is seen as the gateway to the interior and this is important in economic growth and
development,” the Minister within the Ministry said.
Pointing out some of the programmes that will be done for health, Minister Persaud said that
there would be the rehabilitation of the Upper Demerara hospital, the rehabilitation of the Legal
Aid Centre in Christianburg, rehabilitation of staff quarters at Kwakwani and the purchase of
walk through sanitizers for the COVID purposes,
These among other projects is pivotally geared to enhancing the quality and level of health care
being provided by heath care workers and professionals within the region.

Minister Persaud reminded all that the significant projects being executed in Region Ten is a
testimony of this government’s commitment and determination to bring holistic growth and
development, thus further enhancing the lives of all in Region Ten. He urged all to maximize
from the evident benefits that these projects will have on the community, adding that its impact
will be tremendous for all.