January 22, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Region Eight communities receives Gov’t flood relief cash grant

Residents of Kamana Village, Region Eight received their cash grants from Collin Croal

Housing and Water Minister, Collin Coral, spearheaded the Government’s flood relief cash grant
distribution exercise in a number of villages in the South Pakaraima, Region Eight over the past
two days.
An estimated 500 farmers and households from the villages of Kaibarupai, Sand Hill, Waipa,
Kamana, Kopinang and Maikwak benefitted from grants ranging from $50,000.00 to
$100,000.00 The residents of these Patamona Amerindian villages are mostly involved in cash
crop farming of fruits, vegetables, ground provision, and cattle rearing. They were forced to
abandon their farmlands during the prolonged May-June rainy period.
During his address to the residents, Croal said that the cash grant is not compensation, but rather
a support mechanism that will allow them return to their farming activities. “I want to encourage
you to utilise the money for the purpose it is intended…get back to the clearing of your lands,
buy your seeds and start planting. We want to see persons back into their farmlands because you
have very fertile land in these areas,”Croal said. The housing and water minister went on to
remind the residents of some of the other measures implemented by the his Government since it
got into office, aimed at safeguarding the livelihoods of citizens.

Collin Croal, handing over the cash grant to a farmer of Kaibarupai, Region Eight

He noted that as part of efforts to stimulate hinterland village economies, a one-off COVID-19
relief grant was disbursed to communities to embark on economic ventures and construct
community ICT hubs. The $25,000.00 COVID-19 cash grant per household also had a
significant impact on the lives of citizens, as well as the one-off cash grants for pensioners and
persons living with disabilities. He said that students also benefited from the $19,000.00
‘Because we care’ cash grant programme.
Croal disclosed that the Govrernment continues to invest billions of dollars into all sectors in
communities across the country. “Everywhere you go in Region Eight now, you can see
development taking place, whether it is a school, health centre, roads, bridges, new water
systems development is taking place,” he stressed.
President Ali in July, had announced a $7.8B relief package for farmers and households affected
by the unprecedented May/June floods. Meanwhile, Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, Amerindian
Affairs, Pauline Sukhai and Local Government and Regional Development Ministers, Nigel
Dharamlall, spearheaded distribution exercises in other communities within the region.