October 23, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Region 10 host Information Fair

The Regional Information Fair and Town Hall was dubbed a success by the patrons

To boost employment and provide residents with vital information regarding government programmes and development initiatives, a Regional Information Fair was hosted in Region 10. The fair was organized by the “10 Forward” Civil Society Group, the Regional Information Fair and Town Hall meeting.

Public Works Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill, in delivering the feature remarks, stressed the importance of youth involvement in the agriculture sector and iterated the Government’s continued mandate of fostering job creation in Region 10.

“This government was bold and brave enough to put the legal and administrative framework in place to ensure job creation for our people, to get involved in something that is meaningful, economically viable, and good for the development of our country,” Edghill said.

Emile Persaud

In media related interviews with a few patrons and exhibitors at the event. They expressed gratitude at the opportunity to engage the minister as well as receive the information. One such patron was a student of the Linden Technical Institute, Emile Persaud, who said that the information fair and the minister’s remarks have encouraged him to explore a career in the agriculture sector.

“It was quite informative. Since Linden is mostly agriculture-based, it is very vital, and we have everything right here to get stuff done. Hemp being introduced can also be very vital in raising the economics of Linden in the whole,” Persaud said.

Jada Daniels

Another Lindener, Nateshia Drakes commended the “10 Forward” group for organizing the fair before dubbing it a very good initiative.

“I think it was a good initiative to showcase all that the various ministries have to offer, because, a lot of the times people don’t have this knowledge,” Drakes said.

Moreover, Jada Daniels, another student of the Linden Technical Institute, emphasized how important it is to create awareness of the benefits of investing in the agriculture sector.

“It was very enlightening. Before I came to this fair I didn’t know that much about hemp in general, but I came here and learned a lot about how it is processed, and manufactured,” Daniels said.

Dawn Hector, of Block 22, said that the information fair exposed her to valuable information she did not have before.

Dawn Hector

“What the minister said today, was good. It enlightens us about a lot of things we never knew about. We received a lot of information today. I hope that the people here understand the privilege they have in Linden here. Not only can we become doctors or lawyers or nurses, we can also be self-employed,” Hector noted. She continued, “This hemp farming is a very good thing for us in Linden because we have a lot of farmlands.”

Further, Bradley Fredericks also expressed gratitude at the knowledge gained from the information fair, saying, “I found it very interesting, and I think it will be especially useful for the younger folks so that they can grasp the opportunity and develop themselves.”

The Regional Information Fair and Town Hall meeting featured presentations from Senior Research Scientist at the Agriculture Ministry, David Fredericks, and Principle Legal Advisor of the Legal Affairs Ministry, Ronetta Sargent, who enlightened the gathering on the benefits and regulations of hemp cultivation.

Following the presentations, the minister also undertook one-on-one sessions with persons to listen to their concerns and facilitate any interventions where possible. Additionally, representatives from the various ministries were also in attendance at the information fair.