February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

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PSC hails sacking ‘GECOM 3’

“step in the right direction” to help restore public confidence in the key entity.
After protracted delays, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) finally fired Chief
Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield, his Deputy, Ms. Roxanne Myers, and District 4
Returning Officer, Mr. Clairmont Mingo for conspiring “to derail the election process and the
will of the people” during the 2020 national and regional polls.
The PSC in a public statement registered “its satisfaction and register its support relative to the
Ruling given today (Thursday) by the Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission
(GECOM), Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh to terminate the services” of the trio.
“The Commission commends the Chairperson and GECOM Commissioners, for having brought
this matter to closure. The Private Sector Commission from the beginning has publicly advocated
that GECOM’s decisions be transparent and in compliance with the law and consistent with
international standards and best practices. The PSC believes that this decision is a step in the
right direction in restoring public confidence in the Guyana Elections Commission, especially as
we approach the holding of Local Government Elections,” the PSC statement said.
“The PSC will remain committed in its efforts to honor its role as a key stakeholder by
promoting and advocating for a non-partisan, fair and democratic process in conducting
elections in accordance with the law,” the PSC said.