November 16, 2024

Around the Regions

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Prime Minister’s ICT training programme graduated 44

Kwame McCoy, handing over an electronic tablet to an ICT graduate

44 children and young adults of Better Hope and La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast
Demerara, graduated Thursday, from the Industry and Innovation Unit’s Community ICT
Training Programme.

ICT graduate receiving certificate

The unit is mandated to create an enabling environment to support an ICT driven private sector,
drive economic growth and eliminate social inequalities. It falls under the Prime Minister’s
office, Feature speaker, Public Minister, Kwame McCoy, promised that government will
continue to make heavy investments to educate Guyanese at all level. “You have a government
which is led by President, Irfaan Ali, that continuously takes your story into consideration, your
back ground, the community in which you grew up in, your family situation,” he said.
He continued, “We work in ways to make sure that we can provide for each and every one of
you, and provide in a way that will have us prepare and to create conditions that you could use to
your advantage.” The minister said while the ICT programme is deemed a starter, it is clothed
with significant benefits. “Because it is able to teach you the basics about information, in terms
of the skills you need to function in a world where ICT is part of most of what we do,” Mc Coy
noted. The public affairs minister pointed out that it is government’s responsibility to make
resources available to develop the nation’s young minds. He told those in attendance that all
opportunities available now, should be taken advantage of..
Minister Mc Coy stressed that the skills acquired from the learning sessions will not only provide
financial stability, but will create better families, communities and contribute positively to the
already developing Guyana. “Because by large, we are creating the conditions for better human
resource capacity for the people developing you with the right skills and technique that are
necessary for the feature and the working environment so that we can build that ideal
Guyana,” he added.
The minister appealed to the graduands to push themselves further and challenge other advanced
programmes in the computer technology field. Additionally, minister McCoy said government
has created support mechanisms, one being the $19, 000 ‘Because we care’ cash grant and
school vouchers, which gave parents more spending power to ensure their children remain in
He noted further of the 20,000 Guyana Online Academy for Learning (GOAL) scholarship
programme launched earlier this year, where thousands of Guyanese are undergoing free
university schooling.