February 2, 2025

Around the Regions

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President promises negative energy will not hinder government’s development agenda

President Irfaan Ali

A robust approach to ensure Guyana’s development soars by leaps and bounds, and is positioning an international construct that will soar by 2030, is being undergtaken by the Government.

President, Irfaan Ali laid out his government’s strategic framework for the significant transformation, making it pellucid that no negative energy will hinder the journey. Ali was at the time speaking to a packed crowd during the launch of the highly anticipated International Building Expo 2022, at the National Stadium, Providence, on Friday evening.

The President noted that the fundamental elements which will contribute immensely to the almost nine-year plan, must see a developmental link between infrastructure, human, technological and social transformation; economic diversification, international positioning and equitable and prosperous development.

The Head of State added that the development mix will also comprise environmental responsibility, sustainable development, service reorientation and security. The aim, he said is to position Guyana to boast a gapping lead in all sectors.

President Ali contended that the nation’s approach “to development cannot be done in a straight line”, as he believes that it would take a while for the country to meet the goal line. Ali stressed that the transformational venture will be done on a scale that Guyanese have never witnessed in the country’s history.

“This is a mission that require every single one of us, a mission that require every single stakeholder. This is a mission that must not fail, this is a mission whose only outcome shall be success with the grace and help of God almighty,” he said.

The President said the infrastructural transformation which include building and construction is mission less, if there is no upgrading of the human resources. He disclosed that it must be linked to life changing experiences for the people of Guyana. “So, the road and the bridges that you hear us talk about, the new buildings… they are all linked to the upliftment of human lives here in Guyana. The transformation is linked to expanded economic opportunities, it is linked to the improvement of livelihood, it is linked to the advancement of society… with a human aspect,” he said.

Economic transformation

Ali explaining the economic transformation, focuses on positioning the nation to be the best in food production and security. He pointed out that the economic upgrading is not solely focused on oil and gas, but utilising the revenues from the booming industry, to boost the other sectors, to making them competitive, resilient and sustainable pillars.

“That is the interlink between the economic diversification, the infrastructure transformation and the human resource transformation,” President Ali remarked.   He continued, “Our healthcare system powered by the best, our education system powered by the best, our governance system powered by the best that is powered by the best, our construction sector powered by the best, we are going to be a leader and we must prepare ourselves to be that leader.”

Ali added too that in order to achieve this the work also starts with individuality. “Constructing a country is about constructing our character, it’s about constructing who we are…understanding who we are, it is about constructing an identity for our country…and our society,” Ali declared.

Technological transformation

The Head of Stare emphasised that with the number of achievements set out by the administration to accomplish by 2030, he made it clear that technology is integral in the enhancement push.

Ali added and because these is growing demands for labour nationwide, he is more adamant that there is need for the appropriate technology to be introduced to enhance works.

“… we know that this will be a challenge that is why we have to embrace the type of technology that will advance the work and not slow us down. We can only achieve this by investing in technology…embracing technology. Whether is re-energising the agriculture sector, not only are we talking about expanding the farms but right now we are discussing the building of the largest ever hydroponics farm in Latin America Caribbean right here in Guyana,” he reiterated.

The President said Guyana must take the lead in setting new example and a new style of development that reflects the priority of the country and its people. Ali added that the tourism and hospitality sector cannot be advanced, if there is no social transformation, underscoring that the element is critical and gives immense support to the physical transformation to which he alluded.