February 25, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

PM reiterates that Guyana cannot be left behind during period of accelerated digitisation

The officials also discussed several UNDP projects in Guyana and future collaborations

Prime Minister, Mark Phillips yesterday said that Guyana cannot be left behind in the drive to
enhance global digitisation.
Prime Minister Phillips said that the Covid-19 Pandemic has amplified the importance of
technological advancements and has forced its acceleration.
During a meeting at his office with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Resident Representative in Guyana, Jairo Valverde and Senior Advisor, Jose Eguren, Phillips
pointed out that the ICT access and E-Services for Hinterland, Poor and Remote Communities
project is of extreme importance. “Eliminating the digital divide is a part of development in any
country… COVID has forced accelerated digitisation on the entire world and Guyana cannot
afford to be left behind,” Phillips said.

The E-Services project is a collaboration between the Office of the Prime Minister and the

The Senior Government official noted that the “project has the potential of having us achieve the
goal of connecting our hinterland, poor and remote communities and we have identified 200 of
those communities to be connected and to benefit from everything that comes under the umbrella
of e-governance”.  Mr Valverde revealed that once fully implemented, the project will not only
be rewarding but will significantly boost the ICT environment across the country. “The impact of
the project will go beyond what we have been able to imagine, because once those communities
have the hubs and once the Government’s e-services are developed, it’s going to improve the
integration of all Guyana,” Valverde said.
He added that UNDP’s support for Guyana currently targets capacity-building and the
strengthening of legal and institutional frameworks; the phasing out of ozone depleting
substances; the mitigation of land degradation through sustainable land management; increased
energy access for hinterland communities; enhanced biodiversity protection in the gold mining
sector; and the strengthening of capacities in disaster response and risk reduction.