February 24, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Outrage over health worker doubling as security guard

Regional Councillor Kristy Duggin

OUTSPOKEN Regional Councillor Kristy Duggin is demanding that a health worker doubling
as a Kalibur Security guard end immediately.
“Every week for one day she would work for 24 hours as the shift changer. This is an
arrangement between the security company, Kalibur Security and the two sets of security
working at the health centre. The security officers will work for six days and on the seventh day
when they have to change shift as to night taking day and day taking night, the health worker
performs those duties,” she related.
“I raised this issue twice at two separate statutory meetings and was assured that it was going to
be addressed,” the outraged first-time Regional Democratic Council (RDC) member complained.
Duggin is disappointed that the Regional Health Officer (RHO) Dr Gregory Harris is so far
unresponsive to personal and community pleads to end the dangerous arrangement involving the
healthcare worker at Muritaro.
“I have raised this issue before and despite being given all assurances that it was going to be
addressed, nothing has been done thus far. As a matter of fact, sometime last week I received
information from some residents that the health worker was performing security related duties
and I immediately went there, where I personally verified the report as being correct,” Duggin
She said the controversial arrangement with the local security agency is a conflict of interest
involving the female healthcare worker.
“I learnt that as a shift changer she is not paid by Kalibur but rather the monies are deducted
from the security officers and remitted to the health worker. It is my view however that having
the health worker performing both duties is certainly not the best approach and a conflict of
interest. As such, I am calling on the RHO to immediately look into this as his promises of doing
so seems to have fallen on deaf ears,” the RDC member said.

Duggin claimed that the David Granger administration turned a blind eye to grave concerns of
the Amerindian community of Muritaro in Region Ten and will agitate for this government to
tread a different path.
“The current government is dedicated and committed towards bring about development in every
areas and sector. Therefore, I remain confident and would like to assure the residents that the
many challenges and difficulties face over the past five years will be something of the past
because this administration is determined to effect development and growth, thus ensuring that
every Guyanese irrespective of their political and or racial preference will be taken care of,”
Duggin said.