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Opposition brings questionable motion to House – Min. Singh

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, underscored that the opposition brought a ‘questionable’ motion that would cause any reasonable person to conclude that the opposition has not yet learnt their lesson.

The finance minister made the remarks at the National Assembly, Friday night, as he rejected the Opposition’s proposed motion for the establishment of a Special Select Committee (SSE) on review charges for house lots for Guyanese.

“There isn’t a resolved cause that has anything to do with the reviewing of charges for house lots. Sir, the be it resolve clauses, instead of addressing what the motion purports to address in its title, calls on the National Assembly to approve a Special Select Committee to examine this matter, to engage with civil society, financiers and other stakeholders to submit proposals and recommendations…And that the special select committee should submit its work to this House,” Minister Singh explained.

He continued by saying, “The reason why the APNU/AFC is sitting on the opposition benches is because of their abject incompetence and cluelessness of the leadership of your party…And because of this continued display of sanctimonious behaviour, pretending to be concerned when, in fact, you are not in the least bit concerned…,” the finance minister highlighted.

The minister informed the House that the PPP/C had considered a number of issues and determined what needed to be improved or done differently when they demitted office in 2015.

The minister then informed the House of the opposition’s political history.

The previous administration had waited 23 years in opposition to cogitate and reflect on what needed to be done when they got into government.

And then, in 2015, he noted that the APNU/AFC eventually was able to persuade some people in Guyana to give them a chance in office.

Minister Singh added, “…It took them three short years not only to lose the support of the people of Guyana but their own MPs…In five years, their own supporters say ‘we have had enough of this’.”

He continued, “They have now spent from 2020 to now in opposition. And you would have thought that having returned to opposition, they would now examine themselves and ask themselves once again, ‘Where did we go wrong? What did we do that lost favour with the people?”

The APNU/AFC continue to demonstrate that they are completely intellectually bankrupt since they still do not have a clue what they are doing. This, he added, is evident in every single pronouncement made by the Opposition.

The PPP/C government, he emphasised, continues to consult with Guyanese at the grassroots level and others on various issues every day to provide solutions to enhance their lives.