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Mystery lingers over funds raised at ‘Linden Town Week’ 21

Mayor Arindell and MP Sears

Week’ celebrations, and three senior members of key institutions involved in managing the
annual affair in the bauxite mining community, and who should, know are pleading ignorance.
“Town Week was held months ago and up to now there is no report indicating if or what monies
were made. There is absolutely nothing to say if Town Week this year was a failure or success
and this isn’t fair to us the people of Linden,” a resident complained.
Linden Mayor, Waneka Arrindell, Town Clerk Orleena Obermuller, and Legislator, Devine
Sears want resident believe they do not hold the key to answering questions about monies raised
at the annual municipal event.
This year’s commemorative event was coordinated between the Region Ten Tourism Committee
Chaired by MP Sears, the Mayor’s Office which included Her Worship Waneka Arrindell, and
the Town Clerk, Orleena Obermuller.
All three have allegedly admitted possessing no knowledge of monies garnered from the popular
annual event.
According to the complaint of the resident, several activities were runoff and since then there
was no feedback given to residents of the impoverished mining town. The resident is outraged by
the trio’s silence reminding that Linden Town Week isn’t a private
activity, as such the municipality has a responsibility to inform the public.
“The way that they (Town Council members) are operating is as though they are a private
business (entity) so whatever they do there is no need to account to the people for monies spent
or made. This cannot continue as it’s time residents start demanding better from their leaders,”
the resident said with disgust.
The resident is livid that organisers have trampled on citizens goodwill since they have embraced
the yearly activity as a venture to help boost the economy of the ailing township.

“Many of us supported Town Week over the years because we saw it as an avenue for economic
development of not only the township but also as a way of putting monies into the pockets of
several of ordinary people. This isn’t the way that any responsible agency should operate,” the
resident argued.
Pre-event advertisement was abundant, but silence followed afterwards.
“Linden operates like a different country, as once you are seen as a popular leader here you
practically do whatever you feel like as there is no one who will demand answers. Sadly, these
are the very people that are quick to rile up the public using politics and race,” a public official

On conditions of strict anonymity, a member of the Region Ten Tourism Committee confirm
they too are deliberately kept in the dark.
“Most time whenever attempts are being made to raise the question or demand certain answers it
is shot down and we are told that the Town Council will address this at the right time,” the
committee member divulged.
The usually forthright, and honest, Town Clerk Obermuller, had to be pressed before admitting
neither she nor her office has been furnished with any report. She admitted further, that no
monies have been knowingly handed over to the Linden M&TC.
“I would advise you to direct those questions to the Mayor’s office, as I do not have the answers
to these questions other than to confirm that indeed no monies or report has been submitted to
the Council,” Obermuller reiterated.
Several sources within the Linden M&TC told this media house that answers to the queries have
been elusive, since Arrindell and her cabal have been “shutting down the discussion.”
“We have come to the conclusion that a lot is being hidden as I can’t see…up to now you cannot
get answers for an event that should have benefited the community,” a Councilor complained.
Neither MP Sears nor Mayor Arrindell could be reached for comments.