October 28, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Ministry of Education facilitates EMIS knowledge exchange with Caribbean delegates

Ten distinguished delegates from Grenada, Saint Lucia, OECS (Dominica), OECS (Saint Lucia), Dominica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda are currently in Guyana for an extensive knowledge exchange program with the Ministry of Education. The focus of this collaboration is to gain insights into the recently launched Education Management Information System (EMIS) on October 30th, 2023.
The EMIS is Educational Management Information System (EMIS) designed for gathering, integrating, processing, maintaining, and disseminating data and information. It facilitates decision-making, policy analysis, formulation, planning, monitoring, and management across all levels of an education system. This system integrates individuals, technology, models, methods, processes, procedures, rules, and regulations, to help decision-makers, managers, and general users to have access to pertinent data and information to make informed decisions.
The primary objective of the visiting delegation is to acquire knowledge on the technical, financial, human, and software aspects required to develop a fit-for-purpose EMIS for their respective Ministries of Education. The visit, scheduled from December 12 to 15, 2023, aims to provide the team with the following:
1. *Understanding Guyana’s Ministry of Education EMIS: * Delve into the intricacies of Guyana’s EMIS and explore its functionalities.
2. *Discussion on the Development Process: * Engage in discussions regarding the process that led to the development of the EMIS, including expectations for necessary resources.
3. *Appreciation for Challenges and Mitigation Strategies: * Gain insights into the challenges associated with EMIS implementation and learn about the mitigation strategies employed.
As part of the itinerary, the delegation will participate in discussions with various officers from the Ministry of Education and visit schools that actively use the EMIS on a daily basis.
Delegation Members:
Mr. Raúl Chacón – Program Director – Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) Regional Hub
Mar Botero – Project Manager – KIX LAC – SUMMA
Ms. Nailah James – Education Planner – Grenada
Ms. Schnelle Leonce – Education Planner – Saint Lucia
Ms. Nadette Langford – Senior Technical Specialist – Data – OECS (Dominica)
Mr. Germain Anthony – Senior Technical Specialist – Education – OECS (Saint Lucia)
Ms. Bekissa Robinson – Statistician – Dominica
Mr. Keith Thomas – Education Planner – St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Ms. Jem Lafraichere – IT Coordinator (Board of Education) – Antigua and Barbuda
Ms. Shelly Galloway – Education Officer, Knowledge Management (Ministry of Education) – Antigua and Barbuda
Leading Officers from the Ministry of Education:
1. Mr. Saddam Hussain – Chief Education Officer
2. Mrs. Nicola Johnson – Chief Planning Officer
3. Ms. Yoganand Indarsingh – Head – Management Information Systems Unit
4. Mr. Phil Mingo – Head of Information Systems
5. Dahvis Caldeira – Senior Statistician and other officers from the Ministry
The Ministry of Education in Guyana is committed to fostering regional collaboration and knowledge exchange, supporting the advancement of education management systems across the Caribbean.