February 25, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Ministry launches social media platforms targeting mental health

Dr Util Richmond-Thomas

THE HEALTH MINISTRY FRIDAY LAUNCHED IT MENTAL HEALTH SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube to help people needing psychological help.

The Mental Health Unit (MHU) launched the social media platforms in observance of World Suicide Prevention Day held globally this year under the theme, ‘Creating Hope through Action’

Guyanese at home and abroad will access information to boost their mental health literacy and help broaden their learning in the field. 

Ms. Settan Small, member of the Adolescent Health Unit, said everyone has a role to play in helping prevent suicide. 

“We know that suicide, suicide ideation continues to plague our nation; one life lost is a loss too many. So, I believe that with our combined efforts, we can endeavour to be our brothers and sisters’ keepers,” Small said.

Statistics show a small steady surge in deaths by suicide among Guyanese between 2016 to 2019. 

  • Guyana suicide rate for 2019 was 40.30, a 2.03% increase from 2018.
  • Guyana suicide rate for 2018 was 39.50, a 2.6% increase from 2017.
  • Guyana suicide rate for 2017 was 38.50, a 1.58% increase from 2016.
  • Guyana suicide rate for 2016 was 37.90, a 1.61% increase from 2015.



Guyanese, Ms. Small explained, must acquaint themselves with early warning signs of suicide 

“We must all do our part in this fight, learn the warning signs and look out for it and if you ever do notice these signs, I hope that you would without judgement, be listening ear and offer the support and the available resources necessary”, she   explained at the simple ceremony held at the unit’s Quamina Street, Georgetown headquarters. 

The Mental Health Unit plans hosting regular webinars, coaching sessions and mental health education to help prevent suicide.

Guyana has one of the highest per capita suicide rates in the world, and while up-to-date figures are hard to access, online checks provide insight into the scale of the problem facing the mental health unit headed by Dr Util Richmond-Thomas.


Dr. Thomas; Coordinator of the Adolescent Health Unit, Ms. Cilandell Glen; Representative of the Rotaract Club of Georgetown, Ms. Kimberly Manbodh; and Ms. Alicia Solomon, Social Worker attached to the Mental Health Unit and other staff members witnessed Friday’s launch of the social media platforms.