October 22, 2024

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Min Persaud – Gov’t remains resolute in ensuring equal rights for women, girls

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr Vindhya Persaud

The PPP/C Government is working assiduously to create a society where women can enjoy equal rights and freedom, according to Human Services and Social Security Minister, Dr Vindhya Persaud.

The minister was at the time delivering remarks at the 16 days of Activism to end Gender-Based Violence Engagement on CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women), which was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) on Tuesday.

“The Government of Guyana remains resolute in its commitment to ensuring an equitable society where women enjoy all the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the constitution, the CEDAW convention and all other human rights instruments accordingly.”

It was noted that the issue of violence against women and girls is a threat to peace and security as it is an obstacle to development. The CEDAW forum aims to foster meaningful discussions on policies, laws and advocacy strategies.

CEDAW is often referred to as the Women’s Bill of Rights. It is one of the core international human right treaties of the United Nations Treaty System, which requires state parties to undertake legal obligations to respect, protect and fulfil human rights.

It was revealed that the convention has 30 articles which speak to the elimination of discrimination against women.

Minister Persaud said that Guyana has since made significant strides as it relates to gender equality, according to the World Economic Forum Index in one year.

“Looking at the world economic forum index, where Guyana moved from 35 in just one year from 53, speaking directly to gender equalities and that is an important movement it just shows the amount of work that has gone in various sectors to making that achievable.”

Further, the minister said since returning office, the PPP/C Administration has implemented a number of initiatives and policies and has been working on improving the legislative frame work, placing them on good footing for the presentation of the tenth report in 2023. The report will encapsulate all the programmes implemented, initiated and progress made as it relates to eliminating gender-based violence.

Additionally, the government continues to take positive action to remove barriers and to prevent reversals that can hinder the full realisation of these rights.