February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Message from the President, Mr. Patrick M. Yarde on the Occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2023

GPSU President, Patrick-Yarde

As we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, today May 3, 2023, Guyana is still at journalistic crossroads where press freedom is not absolute. This is mainly because of direct political machinations of Government, the lack of independence in the Government owned media house and the propaganda driven reporting from Government friendly media houses. The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) has been in the vanguard challenging the media to be independent and chastising those, whose reportage were skewed in favour of Government.
 In its message on World Press Freedom Day 2022, the GPSU made it clear that the media is considered the fourth pillar of democracy and must “… keep citizens informed on all aspects of society’s operations, clearly and truthfully…” on issues affecting democracy, such as:

·         Rule of Law. The rules apply to EVERYBODY, Laws should be known, predictable, and impartial.

·         Political Equality. Every citizen can vote, speak on public issues, and run for office.

·         Common Good. Citizens work towards the common good (what will make people safe and happy).

·         Personal Freedoms. People enjoy freedom of religion and freedom of expressions.

·         Human Dignity. Citizens should protect and uphold the dignity of all people.

·         Political Freedoms. People can speak freely and vote without intimidation.


·         Being Involved and Informed. Citizens should participate individually and collectively in issues that shape their community, nation and world.


·         Respect. Citizens should respect the rights of others.


Accordingly, “it sets the tone for the populace to determine whether the requirements for good governance have been fulfilled, and if not, what timely adjustments could be made to better the lot of citizens. It therefore means that the media must be independent, professional and accurate, delivering on its commitment without bias or slave-like allegiances, notable of the Guyana Times and the state-controlled Guyana Chronicle.”


World Press Freedom Day 2023 is being observed under the theme “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights” This theme. This theme exemplifies the need for independence in the work of the media, as a driving force in the attainment of human rights. Hence, the work of the media is pivotal to the rights of the people and the attainment of good governance.

The theme also demonstrates the fact that cowardly and biased media houses work against the best interests of the people and should be ostracized. The GPSU identifies with the free press that work tirelessly to ensure that democracy in Guyana is real and not imagined, as in the minds of the so called “Guardians of Democracy”, who are nothing but political poodles for Governments that consistently usurp the rights of the people, keeping them helpless and in bondage, while they feast on the sweet of the Country’s life blood and sustenance.

GPSU would also like to restate its belief that reporting by the media must be accurate and free from deliberate acts of misrepresentation and/or misinformation. There should be legislation that compels the press to be accurate and impose penalties for misleading the public. The press must also convey the views of all and not be seen as a medium that acts to the whims and fancies of a selected few. This is the heart and soul of press freedom and should be a major consideration of all media houses.

As also stated in the GPSU message for the year 2022, “Governments have a responsibility to ensure that the media houses in the countries they serve are free from political interference …”.

On this 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, the GPSU wishes all journalists and media practitioners that operate with media houses in Guyana, a happy World Press Freedom Day, with the perennial advice that “they should never sacrifice professionalism, truth and accuracy on the altars of expediency or shy away from balanced reporting on the demands of a selected few.”

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