January 8, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Message from the President, Mr. Patrick M. Yarde on the Occasion of International Nurses Day 2022

Patrick Yarde, President GPSU

The theme for International Nurses Day (IND) 2022: “Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health”, could not have been coined better, when the invaluable and incredible resources of the Nursing profession are considered among the many lifesaving, care giving, comforting and other feats accomplished hourly, daily, monthly and annually. Yes! Nurses perform invaluable services to the Nation and therefore should be pampered and treated with the respect, dignity and admiration they deserve. Every citizen Countrywide, at some point of their lives would have experienced the wonderful care of persons within the nursing profession and without a doubt have reminisced on the effects of this service on their lives. There is no one, who could justifiably deny the positive effects that Nurses would have had on their lives. 

That is why it was difficult to comprehend the action of members of the PPP/C Administration that openly denied fully merited risk allowances and instead imposed the grossly inadequate salary increases of seven percent (7%), threatened and harassed picketing Nurses, who required to be appeased for high and additional costs that was having debilitating effects on their abilities during the scourge of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was also tough to apply logic to the award of a two-week one-off bonus to, not all, but some of these hardworking professionals, after a hiatus on salary increases for two years, then in stride grant the military a one-month bonus. 

The reasoning behind the demotivating treatment by Government must be explained to the nation, which has noted the spiraling exodus of the core of the nursing profession in Guyana to greener pastures, where their skills and services are more valued and compensated. This fact, of course, has not escaped the knowledge of Government, which seems unmoved by the hemorrhaging of the profession’s skill and technical competence that no doubt has already affected the state of the Nation’s health. 

The GPSU has repeatedly expressed its concern with the authoritarian and disrespectful treatment of Nurses in Guyana and the subjection of these healthcare professionals to unsafe and substandard work environments, grossly inadequate remuneration and other undesirable conditions of service. These representations even though requiring urgent attention have languished in the hands of policy makers and their representatives, without redress.

Another demotivating factor is the seemingly untrained human resources management of hospitals that treat with Nurses matters outside of established rules and guidelines, hindering, among other things, job satisfaction, upward mobility within the profession and access to benefits, just to satiate their own emotional lust for power. These circumstances have and will continue to be disruptive and destructive for the state of healthcare in Guyana. The GPSU is very disturbed by the lack of appropriate responses to such violations and have moved to the court, where suitable redress is not obtained following representations made to management in accordance with existing legally binding Collective Labour Agreements, some of which were copied to the Executive (Government).

To reclaim the respect for the tireless struggles and professional capacity, Nurses of Guyana must unite against the tyranny and executive lawlessness being daily displayed by the “elite” that are obvious contradictions to their requirements and professional outlook. The services provided adds much to everyone’s quality of life and are lifesaving to all; this is the message all Nurses must carry to the victory.

Thank you, Nurses, for your commitment, dedication and bravery during the onslaught of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Thank you again for your professionalism, quality service and resolute patience. All of you are deserving of our sincerest respect and utmost gratitude, because your services to the Nation are priceless.

On behalf of the GPSU Executive Council, staff and membership, I extend best wishes for safe and enjoyable International Nurses Day 2022, not only to you, but also to your families that sacrificed much during your work in service of the Nation. You are deeply valued and appreciated.

May 12, 2022.