January 22, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Message from Ms Dawn Gardener, 1st Vice President GPSU on the Occasion of Fathers’ Day 2021

I am indeed privilege on this occasion to have the opportunity to proudly
join with the other members of the Guyana Public Service Union to extend
a Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers in and out of the Public Sector.
Undoubtedly Fathers have contributed tirelessly towards the development
of their families, the Public Sector and by extension the country.
Fathers have stood up to the challenges of accomplishing their roles and
responsibilities during these trying times when Guyana and the rest of the
world are resisting being engulfed by the COVID 19 pandemic.  This has
resulted in loss of their jobs, decrease in their income, loss of love ones
and the list goes on but our fathers stood to the challenges and unite us
Our fathers within the health sector are our superheroes, you have
significantly contributed in providing that quality health care for the sick and
the needy during this pandemic. You have knowingly put yourself and that
of your families at risk by ensuring that you execute your duties as a
professional health care provider, a father, a father figure and a leader.
It is therefore important that today, a special and significant day be
designated as Father’s Day .We honor the men who have embraced the
essential role of fatherhood. We also take the opportunity to express our
appreciation to all fathers and father figures for the sacrifices they have
made in embracing they responsibility of nurturing and raising their chidden
and more importantly devoting quality time to the family.
Like mothers, fathers have much influence over their children. The
contribution of a father in shaping the life of a child is momentous. Fathers
are the ones who put their lives on the line so as to ensure that their
children / family are happy and comfortable at all times.
Father’s day gives us the opportunity to reflect and appreciate the
sacrifices and compromises fathers made in providing a decent standard of
living for their families. A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love, it is said
the power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched. William Shakespeare the
English Poet said “It is a wise father that knows his own child”. This
indicates the importance of fatherhood.

I therefore take this opportunity to wish all fathers and also those mothers
who fathered their children a Happy Father’s Day.