February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Lenora Primary snatches several regional top ten positions

Leonora Primary

Leonora Primary snatched several positions in Region Three top ten this year. The Region Three
school dominated the 2020 NGSA top ten with the Regional Education Officer, Annesta Douglas
praising the school’s teachers, students, and parents. She stressed that all played a pivotal role in
the school’s 2020 success.
Douglas said that she is very proud of what several of the region’s schools, noting that the work
by Lenora Primary was truly significant. She pointed out that there were numerous challenges
facing students nationally and more importantly, Region Three. However, despite all this, the
students excelled. The REdO told www.aroundtheregions.com that this year the region secured
50.2 percent with thirteen students coming in the regional top ten.



Topping the Region is Shiv Piterahdaue with 518 marks, however with one mark less, Jamal
Prince occupied the second spot. The third position was occupied by three students gaining 516
marks. They are Vikey Dhansham, Aisha Karim and Shafeena Mohamed. The sixth spot went to
Daniel Kawall of Belle West Primary with the seventh and eight positions being occupied once
again by Leonora Primary in Abdul Khan and Ashely Bar with 514 and 513 marks, respectively.
Sayona Singh of Saraswai Primary with 512 marks secured the ninth position with Rahul
Ambedkar of Cornelia Ida, Joel Prince of Lenora, Sarah Sue of Windsor Forest, and Tamia
Sumrah of Leonora Primary all securing the tenth position with 511 marks each.
REdO Douglas revealed that the first to nineth spot all secured places at Queens College, while
the tenth position was rewarded with places at Bishop’s High.

Regional Education Officer Region Three, Annesta Douglas

The Region Three Education Officer disclosed that for 2019 despite the region securing second
place behind Georgetown overall, this year Georgetown secured first again and Region Ten
snatching the second spot. She disclosed that Region Four being East Coast and East Bank
secured the fourth position behind them.
“Last year we came second in the country but unfortunately this year Region Ten has secured
that spot pushing us to third position,” she said.
The REDO stressed that each year she usually competes with Regions 4, 10 and Georgetown,
stressing that it is usually a fierce battle. “Regions 4, 10 and Georgetown are the regions that we
usually look out for as they are the ones that we compete fiercely with every year and I am
determined that we will move up next year from this year’s third place position,” Douglas said.