Three hundred and twelve (312) residents residing at Bachelor’s Adventure (Bare Root), East Coast Demerara are expected to receive their Certificates of Title/Transport, after more than twenty years at the end of this year.
Junior Housing and Water Minister, Susan Rodrigues, on Friday made this disclosure during a community meeting with the residents. Rodrigues was accompanied by Director of Community Development at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), Mr. Gladwin Charles; Head of CHPA’s legal Secretariat, Ms. Hannifah Jordan and a team from the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC) and the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).
It was revealed that the area consists of two parcels of land: Parcel 976 – State Land and Former Parcel 914 – Government Land, which was regularised.
It was noted that in 2004, a survey was completed by GLSC, however, due to omissions of parcel numbers, bearings and incorrect acreages, resurveys were done in 2009 and 2017. As such, a final survey was then completed on June 12, 2022 to rectify discrepancies and former Parcel 914, which contains 312 lots, was verified through an exercise conducted by CHPA. It was noted that while some lot numbers remain the same, others have changed along with the acreage.
Rodrigues pointed out that her ministry understands the inconvenience the issue has caused residents over the years and the need for this chapter of their land ownership journey to be closed.
As such, with the final survey plan, issued she said that Certificates of Titles will be amended and allottees with new parcel numbers will be given new allocation letters.
“Before the end of this year it is our intention that we take you through the documentation process and that we finish this regularisation,” the Rodrigues assured.
The minister further emphasized the government’s commitment to working with all communities and ensuring that the need of the Guyanese people are met. As such, she encouraged residents to cooperate with the agency.
The junior housing and water minister also announced the construction of a new water treatment +water treatment plan will serve communities from Coldingen to Nabaclis, East Coast Demerara. Additionally, Bachelor’s Adventure will benefit from a $407M GUY investment to upgrade six roads.
It was disclosed that during the meeting residents were given to opportunity to raise important concerns with Rodrigues and team, peruse the new area plan and initiate their registration process.
As such, with regards to Parcel 976 (104 lots) GLSC will be completing a survey to allow the other residents to move forward.
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