October 1, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Kamarang gets first time water access

Collin Croal samples the water from the Kamarang well

–700 residents benefit
The number of Hinterland communities gaining access to potable water continues to increase,
with Kamarang in Region 7 being the most recent addition to the list. Almost 700 persons are
now benefitting from a new Water Supply System, which was commissioned on Wednesday,
November 17 by Housing and Water Minister, Hon. Collin Croal.
Croal told residents that prior to the commissioning ceremony, he made a visit to Jawalla, where
a team has already mobilized to commence the drilling of a new well. He explained that the
completion of that system, as well as the one in Kamarang, will result in a seventy percent
potable water coverage for Region 7. He further explained that plans are in the pipeline for a new
well in Warawatta in 2022. These villages, he said can also expect a GWI Sub-Regional
Manager to overlook the systems within the Region in the New Year.
Croal said that prior to the establishment of the water system in Kamarang, villagers depended
on water from the Kamarang River and the rain. He noted that over time the river has become an
unreliable source of water for domestic purposes, since it is constantly being contaminated due to
mining activities.
The housing and water minister pointed out that this well was only made possible through the
investment in new technology. He said because of this, it allows the GWI Hinterland team to
accurately identify a suitable location for drilling through resistivity logging to ensure a
successful well. The minister stressed Government’s commitment to provide every community in
Guyana with potable water access, while pointing out that the aim is to achieve this within its
first term in office. Croal urged the residents to practice water conservation, noting that the
responsibility on residents in the Hinterland is greater than those on the Coast. He explained that
this is because much investment is made to execute works and supply these communities. As
such, Croal thanked the Guyana Defence Force Air Corps for their assistance in significantly
reducing the cost to transport materials into far flung areas.

Minister Croal, other officials and residents display sport gear donated by R. Kissoon
Contracting Services

Meanwhile, GWI’s Hinterland Services Manager, Mr. Ramchand Jailal said that the realization
of this well is groundbreaking since there were multiple failed attempts to drill in Kamarang over
the past years. This, he stressed, was mainly due to rock formation underground, preventing
drilling rigs from accessing water. Jailal told the residents that the water supply system is now
the property of the community, therefore it is their duty to take good care of it. He went on to
explained to them that GWI has trained Community Service Officers to operate and maintain the
system, as well as provide weekly reports to the utility.
Toshao of Kamarang/Warwatta, Lemmel Thomas applauded the Minister, GWI and the
Government by extension for realizing the water supply within such a short span of time after
taking office. He said that following the collapse of a well, the community has been without
potable water access for more than two decades. Thomas expressed the view that the
commissioning of this well will go down as history created under the PPP/C administration.
Managing Director of R. Kissoon Contracting Service, Mr. Rudranauth Roopdeo, was present at

the ceremony. He thanked the community members for their support during the execution of
works. Roopdeo also provided a quantity of sports gear to the Community Sports club, which the
Minister assisted in handing over.
Croal said apart from the drilling of the potable water well to the depth of 150 meters, the project
also entailed the installation of over 3000 meters of 50mm pipelines for the distribution network
and more than 2,400 meters of 19mm lines for service connections – including 25 individual
connections to public buildings 35 stand pipes. He said the system include a well pump,
photovoltaic system, construction of elevated storage and installation of four, 450-gallon storage
tanks. The water system was constructed at a total cost of GYD $45M and funded by the
Government of Guyana, under it’s 2021 budget.
Croal declared that the new water supply system will provide first time access to potable water
for 95 percent of the community including the Hospital, Schools, RDC Office, other public
buildings and residents.