February 24, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Juvenile Holding Centre receives computer system for virtual court sessions

The Juvenile Holding Centre received a computer system from the Judiciary that will be used to conduct virtual court sessions for juveniles awaiting court sentencing.

Director of Juvenile Justice, Joan Ann Edghill-Stuart and Administrator of the Centre, Nafeeza Rodrigues received the system from Magistrate Dylon Bess on Wednesday.

While offering brief remarks, Edghill-Stuart expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Chief Justice (ag) Roxanne George and Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag), Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards, for the timely donation and support.

Magistrate Bess vowed to collaborate with the centre to ensure juveniles are being offered the best standard of care, following a walkabout of the centre.

The juvenile centre which falls under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs, houses youths who are awaiting sentencing by the courts; those who have been sentenced to detention at the New Opportunity Corps, and are awaiting transportation to the institution, and those who have been released from the New Opportunity Corps and waiting to be sent home.

Established on May 1, 2011, the centre aims to rehabilitate and reintegrate juveniles into their communities, with programmes in the area of counselling, education, spirituality, and sports.

These programmes are conducted by staff in collaboration with other stakeholders.

Additionally, all juveniles at the facility are offered free legal representation by the Guyana Legal Aid Department via a partnership with the United Nations International Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF).