January 22, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Housing working to identify lands for development in Region Three -Minister Croal

Minister of Housing and Water, Hon. Collin Croal addresses residents of La Parfaite Harmonie.

The Ministry of Housing and Water is working to identify lands for further development and allocation in Region Three, even as focus is being placed on reducing the backlog of house lot applications as part of the Government’s wider strategy on housing.

Minister of Housing and Water Hon. Collin Croal made these statements at La Parfaite Harmonie, Westminster, Recht door Zee and Onderneeming, West Bank Demerara during an outreach to those areas on Friday.

Several persons from those communities relayed concerns about the long wait for house lot allocation and being given allocations in undeveloped areas.

“What we have planned for the nation is to ensure that we deliver on our commitments and not just about 50,000 house lots; it’s much more and the people of Region Three will be part of that exercise for their development,” Minister Croal said.

The Central Housing and Planning Authority has over 10,500 applications for house lots from Region Three.

“I can assure all of Region Three that those backlogs that we met when we got into office, we will clear them,” the Minister said.

The work has already started. The evaluation team is doing assessments for the development of several new housing areas, for land clearing, and construction of access bridges. To this end, Minister Croal said, there are plans to build streets in these areas during the first quarter of 2021, “so that when the allocations are made, persons are given an area where they can move in immediately and to commence construction.”

Infrastructural works will also be completed in existing schemes, he said.

The Minister said he expects the housing sector to soon benefit from a major investment for the construction of several low-income houses, which will also benefit Region Three.

With regard to water shortages, the Minister explained that the main well which serves the West Bank was down, but it is expected to be back in operation this week.

He also pledged to meet the public relations team at the Guyana Water Incorporated to discuss ways in which GWI’s customer service could be improved.

Meanwhile, Regional Vice Chairman, Mr. Omesh Satyanand told residents that the Administration has plans for the holistic development of the community.

“This community was designed and lotted out under our administration and we are back in government to develop this community so that you and your family can have a better life,” he said.

Mr. Satyanand added now that the area is fully populated, the focus is on ensuring that other infrastructure is installed such as “better roads, better schools, and better facilities.”

Additionally, Chairman of Region Three, Mr. Sheik M.I. Ayube reminded residents that they could lodge their complaints at the Regional Democratic Council as its primary objective is to ensure that the goods and services provided by the Administration reaches every resident.

Member of Parliament, Hon, Dr. Tandika Smith and Geographical Representative and Parliamentary Secretary, Hon. Vikash Ramkisson were also on the outreaches.

Natasha Smith