October 5, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

GTA hosts tour guide, CPR training in Regions Six, Nine

Residents from Yupukari and neighbouring communities in Region Nine

With the many tourist sites and experiences emerging this year, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) is facilitating training countrywide.

In this regard the authority recently hosted a tour guide training at Caiman House in Region Nine.

The training saw 39 participants who were guided through areas that covered the core competencies of tour guiding, such as technical competency, wilderness medicine, and first aid, as well as customer service, group management skills, and natural and cultural history interpretation.

Resident of Yupukari village, Helen Lawrence, expressed her gratitude to the authority for allowing her the opportunity to educate herself so that she can provide support to her community.

Tour guide training in Region Nine

“I would like to thank the Guyana Tourism Authority for giving us the opportunity to part take in this guide training. It has been a fun and productive three days of training and I am looking forward to more training in the future,” she stated.

According to GTA, providing technical support to tourism-focused Indigenous communities is a key priority, as it works towards expanding and improving the country’s tourism experiences.

First Aid and CPR training in session

Meanwhile, the authority also held its First Aid and CPR training with 32 persons from Region Six at the Leisure Inn Hotel.

The training was led by Melisa Alstrom, a professional attached to the Guyana Training College for International Skills (GTCIS).

A participant performing CPR

During the training, practical as well as theoretical methods were employed to ensure participants are sufficiently trained to handle emergencies.

This training forms part of the GTA’s commitment to providing extensive learning opportunities across Guyana. Other courses that are being facilitated by the tourism organisation include proper hospitality and service promotion, mixology, birding, and introduction to tourism among others.