February 24, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Gov’t awarded 446 scholarships since August 2020

Minister of Public Service, Hon. Sonia Parag

The PPP/C Government has awarded some 446 local and overseas scholarships since August 2, last year.

Minister of Public Service, Hon. Sonia Parag provided a breakdown of the scholarships offered, by regions, to the National Assembly, during the 17th sitting of Twelfth Parliament at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) on Thursday.

The geographic spread of awardees of local and overseas scholarships are as follows:  Region One, 14; Region Two, 21; Region Three, 51; Region Four, 226; Region Five, 23; Region Six, 42; Region Seven, seven; Region Eight, seven; Region Nine, 10; and Region Ten, 45.

Minister Parag was at the time responding to Opposition MP, Hon. Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, who requested a breakdown of scholarships offered since the Government took office.

In a written response, Minister Parag told the National Assembly that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the scholarships awarded are being accessed virtually.  Twenty-six of the overseas scholarships are also being accessed online.

The local scholarships were awarded to students attending the University of Guyana, the Guyana School of Agriculture, the Art Williams and Harry Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School, and Texila American University. The students awarded overseas scholarships are studying at institutions in countries including Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, Sweden, India, Canada and Russia.