February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Fair distribution and doubling contracts awarded coming

Regional Executive Officer (REO) Dwight John has two long-term ambitions: equitable
distribution of and doubling the number of contracts awarded in Upper Demerara/ Berbice
home of the bauxite mining town of Linden.
John who was appointed to the position in the opposition Peoples National Congress (PNC)
Region Ten stronghold following his party’s electoral victory earlier this year knows the 40,000
residents will be skeptical of his declaration and offered a sweetener.
“I have and want to continue committing to residents that as the REO I am committed to
ensuring that there is a fair distribution of contracts in this region,” John said.
In addition to equity of distribution and doubling awards regionwide the REO said he will ensure
that contracts will not be granted based on one’s political affiliation.
“There are certain set out criteria in awarding contracts, noting that being in possession of the
requisite equipment is critically important. I want to ensure that the work is awarded fair and
balance irrespective of someone’s political persuasion as if we are going to get development then
politics cannot play a part here,” he counselled.
He cautioned contractors to complete bidding documents accurately because errors have been
delaying the process significantly, forcing evaluators to peruse every document methodically and
in minute detail which is time consuming and exhausting.
At the moment several small contracts are currently being awarded to ensure a constant flow of
economic development activities in the region, especially in the depressed mining town.
“We intend to take the savings that we secured this year and engage several small contractors in
various community-related projects. These will be geared at ensuring continued community
participation as I am cognizant that everybody needs something to feed themselves and family,”
REO John reflected.

Since the Regional Tender Board awarded some $50M in contracts two weeks ago REO John
has been dodging www.aroundtheregions.com to answer queries on others granted.