January 27, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

‘Experienced’ Gajraj begins tenure as REO of Region Four

Regional Chairman Mr Daniel Seeram and newly appointed REO Donald Gajraj pose for the first time together as RC and REO

Mr. Donald Gajraj has begun his watch as Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Demerara –
Mahaica (Region Four) the largest populated of the 10 Administrative Regions of the 216,000
Km 2 South American Republic.
Gajraj has commenced his administration of the Region still under a cloud investigation for
suspected financial malfeasance perpetrated by appointees of the former APNU+AFC coalition.
Procurement Officer Mr. Corwin Grandison is on administrative leave and Gajraj’s predecessor,
Ms. Pauline Lucas, has been transferred to Local Government and Regional Government
Ministry, pending the outcome of the investigation.
Lucas has one more year left on her contract with the government.
Gajraj is believed to be an ideal replacement for Lucas credited with major accomplishments at
the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) which include her willingness to provide opportunities
for employees and ensuring staff confidence and morale remained very high and that their
individual concerns were always properly addressed.
A source close to Gajraj said there were mixed reactions to his appointment among RDC
employees over serving DREO Mr. Deryck Persaud although the two have had an excellent
working relationship in the past when Gajraj was REO between 2009 – 2015 when the current
government lost the elections.
Nevertheless, “he has had an excellent start as Ms. Lucas handed over to him formally and they
were both civilized and very professional and already all of the Programme Heads have thrown
their full and unwavering support behind the new REO as they feel that his presence will help in
correcting some outstanding issues that still plague the region,” a source told
“The Region is blessed by a REO who knows what he is about as the experiences that he has
garnered from three big regions: Essequibo Islands – West Demerara (Region Three); Demerara

– Mahaica (Region Four) and Upper Takutu – Upper Essequibo (Region Nine) have enhanced
and improved his ability to manage in the public sector effectively and efficiently. While it is
very early to pronounce on his management thus far it is safe to say that he has started off nicely
and hopefully it is the expectations of everyone that he will continue on this path,” an employee