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ERC to launch multi-faceted harmony campaign this year

Commissioner Neaz Subhan

With a focus on promoting greater understanding and appreciation of Guyana’s rich cultural tapestry, the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) has planned a multi-faceted initiative designed to bridge divides.
Building on the momentum gained from its fruitful 2023 programme, this year the commission plans to launch a robust Harmony Campaign to advance its agenda of ethnic cohesion.
Commissioner, Neaz Subhan emphasised the importance of this plan during a press conference on Wednesday, at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Georgetown.
He said the campaign is intended to serve as an ever-present reminder to the public of the need for more unity in Guyana’s multicultural society.
As part of this harmony campaign, the ERC is engaging private schools and the Ministry of Education to establish harmony clubs within the system. This move is expected to create an environment where students can celebrate and better understand each other’s traditions.
To ensure that ethnic unity and inclusivity permeate every aspect of the Guyanese social landscape, the ERC is also engaging the relevant stakeholders to facilitate the launching of a harmony league football tournament.
“This is expected to be launched across the ten regions. Football is not the only sport, but it is the one we are starting with. In addition to that, we are looking at T20 and table tennis as part of the harmony leagues,”he told media operatives.
Additionally, the ERC intends to create a national document that accurately chronicles the history and traditions of each ethnic group, which will be used at various schools across the country.
“We believe that if that is in the school system, as a targeted subject, it will be able to remove ambiguities…It will enlighten people. Education brings understanding, and understanding can lead to tolerance, and of course, tolerance leads to unity,” he stated.
Through this campaign as well, the commission hopes to successfully host a unity concert and cultural exposition.
“We are hoping to take advantage of the very talented Guyanese that we have here and abroad, and have this cultural exposition that will showcase not just our artistes, but also our traditions, culture, food, fashion, and literature,”Subhan explained.
Other plans include the launch of an ERC film competition, a series of symbolic structures and safe spaces, and a Heroes Avenue.