February 24, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Drop Box locations for manual Tax Returns submission

Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC) Ground floor (Robb Street entrance)

– Optimal online submission a more viable option

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has set up drop-boxes across the country for taxpayers who choose to submit Tax Returns by hand. However, the Agency continues to encourage the public to register with the Optimal Revenue Management System (RMS) as a viable alternative for filing.

The boxes are located at the following sites:

GRA Headquarters, Camp Street (Security Hut)
Licence Revenue Office – Smyth Street
GRA Parking Lot, Railway embankment junction (between Lamaha and Camp streets).
Integrated Regional Tax Offices (IRTOs)
• Anna Regina • Parika • New Amsterdam • Corriverton • Bartica • Linden.

In the interest of public safety and the risks associated with large gatherings during the pandemic, the drop box will be the only mechanism for taxpayers submitting manually this year. Taxpayers are therefore advised to ensure that their Returns are correctly filled, signed and accompanied by valid financial statement/emolument slips, where necessary. No receipts will be issued at this time.

Alternatively, the Authority has implemented the online platform, Optimal Revenue Management System (RMS), which allows registered taxpayers to submit Returns online. For more information on the registration and sign up process, visit the Optimal Resource page, https://www.gra.gov.gy/optimal/ or https://eservices.gra.gov.gy/.

Section 60 of the Income Tax Act Chapter 81:01 requires income earners (individual and business) to deliver to the Commissioner-General a true and correct return of the whole of his income from every source whatsoever for the year immediately preceding the year of assessment and shall if absent from Guyana give the name and address of an agent residing therein.