February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Crossdressing elevated; Nurses’ rights trampled

Apostle Nigel London

APOSTLE NIGEL LONDON BASHED the ruling Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C)
and the major parliamentary opposition A Partnership for National Unity Alliance For Change
(APNU+AFC) coalitions for elevating cross-dressing while stomping on healthcare workers
The usually-fiery and plain-spoken religious leader lashed out at the PPP/C and the APNU+AFC
recently amending the cross-dressing legislation in the National Assembly while the rights of
Guyanese, especially nurses, are being trampled.
The Linden Hospital Complex (LHC) in a surprised move this week, locked out some 120
unvaccinated healthcare workers, without prior notification or preparation to get in line with a
gazetted Ministry of Health Order preventing those not inoculated from entering government
The unexpected Order also caught patients, many with chronic ailments, by surprise. Many had
to be turned away from health centres.
“Is this the way you treat your frontline healthcare workers who have over the year been risking
their health and safety of themselves and families to save and help the public?” a nurse asked.
Another said: “I have been here for more than a decade and never have I seen something as
brutal as this. How can you call us heroes but treat us as garbage? Is this the way that you treat
your heroes?” she asked rhetorically.
She continued, “As a nurse I have always executed my duties with the highest level of
professionalism and care because I took my oath and I am very committed to my duty. However,
despite all of this, I think that I must maintain my right to choose what I put into my body and
today we are seeing where even the healthcare professionals are being denied that simple right.
This is not what many expected of the government.”

“I cannot understand why APNU+AFC will turn up in parliament…when you have nurses
locked out of the hospital, when you have nurses being told that if they are not vaccinated, they
will be sent out of the complex,” London complained.
“How many of you went to the Ministry of Health and stood in front of the gate to say, ‘how
could you put these people out of here’? Did you do that? Did you leave parliament for that? Did
you walk out of parliament and say we are going to stand with these people out here?” Apostle
London queried.
“The people see what you did to them,” London warned.
He said Upper Takutu/Upper Essequibo (Region Nine) residents finally realised the PPPC
manipulated them.
“Lethem voted for you (the PPP/C) based on the results that were published. Today Lethem
members are stating that you were wrong to them. People aren’t stupid anymore, they never
were. Imagine you have a society when people are suffering, parliament can pass a bill enacting
into law sodomy, dressing like women. That is more important to you. Imagine when health care
workers were locked out of a building and patients were locked out of a building, your priority
was men dressing like women. When nurses and others all across Guyana were being taken
advantage of, this is what you can publish as a victory for Guyana Law,” the outraged Apostle
London blamed the government for what he said is its continued arrogance and blatant disrespect
for the citizenry.
Guyanese deserve better politicians than the current crop offered by the PPP/C and the
APNU+AFC, London emphasised.
“You people need to be removed. All of you, every last one of you…from where you are. You
(all) have failed. How can you have the nerves to present this Bill at this time when you know an
order was issued that is affecting and injuring your society? Even your PPP supporters are being
hurt by this. Businessmen who support you, their businesses are being hurt,” London said.

London warned that legislators will soon reverse laws on sodomy since the country, through its
parliamentarians, have made a pact with the Devil. The populace will face the consequence of
these decisions, Apostle Londin warned.
“I have not lost focus of what matters. I will never ever in my life support what is stupid,”
London emphasised.

Some of the nurses who were locked out of the Linden Hospital Complex