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Contractor to face financial penalties as Belle Vue bridge project faces delays

Pre-cast bridge at Belle Vue, Region Three

The Belle Vue Bridge project in Region Three, with a budget of $78.4 million, remains incomplete, posing the risk of liquidated damages for the contractor due to extended setbacks.
During a site visit of the project led by Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, on Friday, it was uncovered that delays are as a result of the contractor, Hanbel Garnett awaiting the delivery of concrete slabs from Jagmohan Companies and Son (See editor’s note).
The project, originally scheduled for completion by the end of February, was granted an additional 15 days to the deadline to facilitate the removal of electrical lines, which were obstructing crane operations.
To ensure accountability and expedite completion, Minister Edghill proposed imposing liquidated damages on the contractor.
“I don’t care if the slabs come tonight or tomorrow but I want this bridge finished,” Minister Edghill asserted.
He continued, “The delayed time while we were waiting on GPL to move the powerline so that the crane could operate, make sure we verify is how long, we get that done, we deduct that and beyond that, we start charging liquidated damages.”
This reflects the government’s ‘no-nonsense’ approach aimed at ensuring that all ongoing projects meet required standards and are completed on time.
The contract for the Belle Vue Bridge project was awarded in May 2023 and was subsequently extended to March month-end.
The completion of the pre-cast bridge will bring significant relief to thousands of residents and road users, offering improved access to essential services, facilitating easier travel, and fostering opportunities for economic growth.
Editor’s Note from Jagmohan Companies and Son: * I would like to bring to your attention an article published by the DPI where a contractor falsely attributes the delay in the completion of his project to non delivery of concrete slabs from us. To the contrary, we have completed the manufacturing of all the slabs and is awaiting the contractor to make payment. This article is being republished by other news agencies and is injurious to us both as a contractor and manufacturer given government’s zero tolerance on project delays.