February 21, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you



It is critically important to note that as an open, independent news organization, www.aroundtheregions.com investigate, interrogate and expose the actions of those in power, including public officers without fear and or favour.

With no shareholders or millionaire owner, our journalism is free from political and commercial bias, thus making us different. We can give a voice to the oppressed and neglected and stand in solidarity with those who are calling for a fairer future. With your help we can certainly make a difference. We’re determined to provide journalism that helps each of us to better understand Guyana, and take actions that challenge, unite and most importantly inspire change among and between us – in times of difficulties and beyond.

The work of www.aroundtheregions.com would not be possible without our readers and the vital role that our sources and informants play in the ten administrative regions of Guyana and beyond

The contributions by everyone , big or small , is so valuable and important for the continued growth of www.aroundtheregions.com. You can support us by liking and sharing our page so that others can be able to access our news stories.