September 21, 2024

Around the Regions

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Children receives priority in Budget 2022

Human Services and Social Security Minister, Dr. Vindhya Persaud said that immense focus has
been placed on the development of children across the country, with a budgetary allocation of
$955M, for this year’s budget.
Dr. Persaud told the National Assembly on Tuesday, that “children are extremely, extremely
important to the ministry.” The minister was at the time participating in the national budget
debate, held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC).
She revealed that the Child Care and Protection Agency (CHPA) has seen an increase in
subvention from $852M to $955M to ensure the safety and development of all of Guyana’s
children. Dr. Persaud said that from this year’s allocation, Guyanese can look forward to new
and improved early childhood development programmes, along with the construction of dual-
purpose facilities to improve childcare development for children ages zero to four.
She declared that parents will also benefit from the early childhood development programme,
with the launch of parenting modules and manuals, to improve efficient and effective parenting
practices. Minister Persaud also pointed out that a new mentorship programme is being
launched to enhance the livelihood of children in state care. She said that the programme will
see young adults in institutions being provided with housing, training and opportunities for
Dr Persaud noted that the ministry’s young influencers programme that improves the welfare of
youth, will be extended this year.  Additionally, the minister noted that recently launched “every
child safe” initiative is crafted to spread awareness on child abuse through community
engagements. Last year, under the theme, “Together, Let’s Keep Children Safe,” the ministry
hosted a storybook competition to engage children on the different kinds of abuse. She added
that the initiative will continue to engage children in new and innovative ways in the coming