September 28, 2024

Around the Regions

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CDC hosts emergency flood preparedness meeting with Local Government Authorities

The Civil Defence Commission (CDC) on Thursday hosted an emergency flood preparedness
meeting with Regional Chairpersons, Regional Executive Officers and Town councils from most
of the administrative regions and towns in Guyana.
They noted that the virtual meeting was aimed at presenting climate information to meet the
needs of stakeholders and communicate uncertainties associated with the climate predictions for
the upcoming rainfall season. The climate and weather predictions were produced by the
Hydrometeorological Office, a facet of the Agriculture Ministry. The hydromet service
reaffirmed predictions from last week’s meeting with the CDC where such information was
shared in detail. CDC’s Preparedness and Response Manager, Major Salim October, provided
the opening remarks for the session. He assured those in attendance that the significance of the
information shared is monumental. Major October advised all local government arms to use the
knowledge in tandem with their disaster plans, and to ensure that all stakeholders are consistently
updated if there are any changes.

The Climate Outlook was presented by hydromet’s Mr. Komalchand Dhiram, a specialist
meteorologist. He reiterated the predicted climate and weather patterns for the December 2021 to
February 2022 rainy season. He indicated that above normal rainfall is expected in most regions
across Guyana, with potential flash flooding. Participants were then allowed to direct their
questions relevant to the accuracy of the impending weather pattern, to which Mr. Dhiram gave
certain assurances. Major October then presented the Mitigation & Preparedness Capacity
Assessment and CDC’s reporting requirements to the participants. In that segment, he allowed
those present to complete a form that asked several questions about their disaster preparedness.
There were sections on what steps have been taken so far to prepare for the upcoming rainy
season, as well as any shortcomings they may have and what could be done to mitigate those
shortcomings. The variety of operations and obstacles were then addressed and solutions were
proposed. The feedback from CDC and the stakeholders proved fruitful, not just for this venture
but others in the future. Captain Lakshman Persaud, Senior Response Supervisor at CDC, then
portrayed all the Impact Reporting Tools and Procedures. He outlined the specific and intricate
forms that should be completed when reporting any impact. The forms cater to household
impacts, livestock and crops affected, and the severity of impact coupled with any steps taken to
adapt to the impact. Stakeholders were encouraged to share the forms with their constituents so
that the data given to CDC’s National Emergency Monitoring System (NEMS), could be
accurately and efficiently addressed.
The meeting came to a close after further questions were fielded. Participants confirmed that
their level of preparation for the rainy season has evolved despite shortcomings beyond their
control. The CDC is urging all residents to be vigilant this season and prepare for any
eventuality, while using the guidelines provided by their respective local authorities. Persons are
also encouraged to monitor the weather reports and make impact submissions to their local
government bodies or NEMS on 600-7500