October 2, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

BREAKING: AFC to resurrect NCM against Region 4 Chairman

Regional Chairman Daniel Seeram and REO Donald Gajraj

THE ALLIANCE FOPR CHANGE (AFC) IS EXPECTED RESURRECT ITS NO CONFIDENCE MOTION (NCM) against Regional Four Chairman Daniel Seeram, a usually-reliable source confided.

The source told www.aroundtheregions.com that the once-thought-dead NCM against Seeram will be filed today, Wednesday October 20 and is slated to be voted on by Councillors at the Regional; Democratic Council (RDC) next statutory meeting on October 28.

The AFC pursued NCMs against Chairman Seeram and his Vice Chairman, Samuel Sandy but had withdrawn the motion against the one-time Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldier. However, there remained intent on hounding Sandy out of office.

Sandy is the victim of an apparent fallout between AFC and its major partner in the 6-party coalition headed by former President David Granger’s A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) which comprised the Peoples National Congress (PNC).

According to some disgruntled AFC members, the party was promised the VC post in regions won in the 2015 national and regional polls. The APNU+AFC won by a slim one-seat majority, but Granger’s PNC also held on to the VC position in Region Four, the most-populous region.

AFC was outraged since then, and some of its RDC4 Councillors made their ill-will to their major partner obvious by helping stymie the RDC programme for the entire 5-year term.

When the PNC did not give the AFC the VC post following the coalition’s 2020 defeat at the polls, the AFC retaliated.


One recalls AFC’s backbench legislator, Charrandass Persaud almost three years ago siding with the then opposition Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) and voted for Bharrat Jagdeo’s NCM triggering the eventual removal of the APNU+AFC from power.

Persaud later accepted a post to India under the current PPP administration.

The AFC is once again proving the ‘Achilles Heel’ of the APNU+AFC coalition with Amarnauth Chinkan and Neilson McKenzie reportedly steering the NCM push to drive Seeram and Sandy from their RDC positions.

It is still unclear what motivated them lately to press their case only against Sandy, and now to resurrect the NCM against the unpopular and controversial Seeram.

Some councilors expressed disappointment in the AFC’s suicide decisions, dubbing it shortsighted, selfish and immature.

They predict the AFC’s NCM will not get much support, but it can help pave the way for the publicly united PPP, now salivating its chances of finally semi-controlling a vital region they have never won at the polls.

If the votes are split as www.aroundtheregions.com expects it will, the PPP’s lead Councillor, the very-experienced Desmond Morian, would be gifted the VC position.

Again, it is the AFC proving itself the coalition’s ‘Achilles’ heel’.

Multiple sources confirmed that some PPP Councillors (names identified) have been aiding in pushing for the removal of Sandy seeing it as a perfect platform and launching pad to beat a disunited and broken opposition and capture the VC post.

“They (Councillors) are just making themselves clowns as why would you want to divide the team, while you sit in opposition, it is then that you should be more united. We have a very effective and efficient VC who ultimately has the skills and ability to bring nontraditional supporters to the APNU+AFC. So, frankly. that is the kind of leadership we need if we are going to take back the government in 2025,” a councilor said.

This media learnt that the NCM motion is doomed to fail as there is no law that can cause the PNC to remove Sandy from the post via AFC’s pressure tactics.

“The motion is inconsequential as the law does not cater for it,” a councilor said.

Sandy is currently enjoying a groundswell of party support.

“While the AFC played a valuable role in the coalition taking office in 2015, they have been nothing more than traitors and deceivers as they have only sought to promote and elevate themselves over others. Instead of sticking together as a team they have used their positions as MP and we are seeing in some of the regions as Regional Councillors to topple the APNU. They are not team players, and moving forward, APNU needs to review this,” a Councillor advised.