February 23, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Approach by Labour ministry will be different – Minister vows

The Labour Ministry is determined to improve the way Labour related issues and matters are
addressed in Guyana. This is according to the Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton. Minister
Hamilton speaking to www.aroundtheregions.com  pointed out that there are some critically
important issues that he would like to see address in Regions Eight and Ten. He disclosed that
among some of the issues facing these two regions includes having adequate labour officers
being placed there. As such, he said that the important thing for his ministry is to ensure that they
have the required bodies put in place.
“In Region Eight there are no labour officers, therefore we have to correct that firstly by training
and having their people working there. Secondly recently while we were there, we had a meeting
in Region 8 with GGMC to collaborate with them so that when we are training our labour
officers they can work along with GGMC,” he disclosed.
Minister Hamilton said that this is pivotally important, noting that it will see the officers through
the collaboration being introduced to people in the region. He admitted that the framework for
this has already been established with GGMC, thus ensuring that it gets done smoothly.
“In Region 10 again we have to do a similar thing. We have already engaged two co-ops that the
loggers co-opt that they have in Region Ten. I believe a lot of companies get away with a lot of
things because we don’t have no police and my intention is to have police on the ground,
Minister Hamilton said.
The Labour Minister argued that running operations from Georgetown places undue challenges
and difficulties on the Ministry’s resources. As such, he said that to alleviate some of the issues
facing Region Ten continues to be a result of persons bent on exploiting the system.
“You can’t run this operation from Georgetown, you have to be there because they have to know
you. I believe that if companies know that you have an officer who has the statutory powers that
can take the relevant action they will act differently,” he opined.
He reassured that his ministry would continue to firmly address mining accidents, stating that
since he assumed the ministry there have been some. He added labour related deaths and
accidents are not confined to the interior but rather it involves places on the coastland as well.
“At the level of mining and accidents we mention that since I am here we have already done 4-6
press releases speaking involving in people dying and it’s not just the back dam that we have to
look out for but we have to do it out here also too as recently some engineer had walked off a
building and died  at a six storey building and walking with a slippers,” he disclosed.
He spoke about the importance of Occupational and Health Safety matters, disclosing that
reviewing and retooling employees to better serve the ministry will remain as one of their
primary objectives.

“Holistically I will deal with the Occupational Health and Safety matters. We are tasked with
reviewing and retooling and redeveloping the messages in Guyana and expanding to capture the
oil and gas industry,” he said.
He continued, “So I can tell you that we are having a discussion with the energy department. We
are having a conversation with ILO with regards to legislation issues that we can properly have
safety issues. This can see safety guidelines being properly monitored so that people don’t lose
their life and limb.”