Regional Procurement Officer (RDC 4) Corwin Grandison
– Probe into suspicious spending to commence
THE GOVERNMENT recently sent Region Four Procurement Officer Corwin Grandison on
administrative leave to facilitate a full investigation and audit into highly suspicious spending by
the Demerara/Mahaica Regional Democratic Council (RDC).
The government has planned to scrutinise purchases done under the Regional Education and
Health programmes based on contractors’ complaints of unethical and blatantly corrupt practices
by unnamed RDC employees.
WWW.aroundtheregions.com was also reliably informed that auditors will also pore over
purchases done under the office of former Regional Chairman, Ms. Genevieve Allen, which have
raised “several red flags”.
“What is known is that Mr. Grandison allowed himself to either be duped by person/s to execute
a very crafty and cunning scheme, or he deliberately played a part in utilising taxpayers monies
carelessly, deliberately and irresponsibly doing so under false pretense and whatever it is, it is
very disappointing and embarrassing at the same time,” an official disclosed under conditions of
Regional Health Officer (RHO) Dr Gavinash Persaud a while back revealed some startling abuse
and misuse of regional funding, concluding that layers of RDC employees had to be involved to
pull off the fraudulent scheme.
Others fingered Regional Executive Officer (REO) Ms. Pauline Lucas for creating the
environment to facilitate fraud.
About Grandison’s rise as head of the procurement office an RDC official recalled that he was
just “an Office Assistant, who without the requisite skills and qualifications, was catapulted to
the Regional Procurement Officer overnight single handedly. Her (the REO’s) actions made it
clear for all to see thar she was determined to have him occupy that position for suspicious
Grandison’s unsuitability for the position, his omnipresence at the RDC headquarters and alleged
backing by Ms. Lucas caused him to earn the soubriquet ‘CEO’ and forced some employees to
accuse him of dictating which employees should be fired, transferred or sidelined for varying
Many RDC employees are relieved that the all-powerful Grandison has n been brought down to
planet earth.
“This was a man who no one could have complained against or stood up to for fear that they
would be victimised and/or discriminated against as the REO defended him in every way. This
created a monster that was able to do things the way she and him wanted. I am pleased that some
form pf action has been taken and I trust that while he is on administrative leave a detailed
investigation and audit will be done to uncover the many deals as there are several hidden secrets
that needs to be exposed,” a source said.
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