Voicing his strong objection to open ballot AFC’s Norris King has urged newly elected Region Ten Regional Chairman Deron Adams and Regional Vice Chairman Douglas Gittens to lead with great professionalism. He wants the top regional Officials to ensure that the people of the region will genuinely benefit from their stewardship. King who had a heated exchanged with Adams prior to Adams being elected unopposed as Regional Chairman had called for councillors to vote by way of the ballot. However, Adams shot this down, stating that his party believes in transparency and fairness. Therefore, he wanted the election of both Regional Chairman and Regional Vice-Chairman to be done by the show of hands. However, according to several inside APNU party sources, this thwarted efforts by other councillors to elect their true choice. Many admitted that while Adams was popular, there is a firm view that because of his lack of experience and characteristic of being manoeuvre by senior party operatives, councillors were going to opt for someone else.

However, at least three councillors on the APNUAFC side in speaking to www.aroundtherehgions.com said that late Sunday evening they were issued with instructions to vote a certain way. One councillor said that while there was a plan to have a healthy exchange, thus being able to select the best choice they were informed early Monday morning by the party’s General Secretary, Amna Ally to vote a certain way. She reportedly told them should persons go against the wishes and instructions of the party (APNU); they would be forced to step down. “We already had everything planned as several persons were doing their own campaigning, both inside the council and outside and there were at least two persons who were confirmed to challenge Adams, but this all changed when Amna Ally issued instructions,” a councillor said.
Another councillor made it known that he may not serve the full term as already it’s clear that there isn’t an environment for persons to express their desire within the Council. It was evident that many were against the motion brought by Adams as when it was called to a vote, he only got five persons showing their hands in support. Many opted against as they were hoping according to one councillor for persons to vote openly. “I doubt that the party instructed her to give such a message but in this party (APNU) nobody is allowed to question these ‘big horses’ as they hold the power to destroy or permanently end someone’s political life. If this is how they will begin their term at the RDC, then I am sure they will remain in opposition for a very long time,” an evidently disappointed councillor said.

Another voicing their disapproval, said that the Regional Chairman and Regional Vice-Chairman is not a reflection of what the elected councillors of Region Ten truly want, noting that the presence of the APNU General Secretary, ensured that her party wishes were executed as planned.
“This isn’t the way that we should be taking, we should be having lively and debates and an election without any influence from anyone so I know that there are others like me who are very disappointed ad as you could have seen many of us just went along with the flow,” the councillor stated.
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