February 25, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

AFC leadership lack credibility, integrity – Dr Jagdeo

General Secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo referencing an article of a contract signed under the coalition government for the supply of 12 pumps that are underperforming to this day

– Says Hughes refusal to apologise for AFC’s role in election rigging ‘disingenuous’

Following a press conference hosted by the Alliance for Change (AFC), General Secretary Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has criticised the party’s deceptive display which lacks integrity and credibility.

Despite abundant evidence, the party’s leader Nigel Hughes refused to offer an apology to the Guyanese people when grilled by members of the media on their alleged involvement in the 2020 general and regional elections rigging.

Describing the press conference as a “clown show”, Jagdeo said while the party prepares lofty speeches, these are undermined by their tarnished reputation, and their dismissive attitude towards their role in the elections rigging.

“We can find a hundred specific things for which they should apologise for.  But a key issue was their role in trying to steal the elections and toward the will of the people of the country,” he stated in response.

Jagdeo continued, “If he doesn’t see that as egregiously wrong, if he doesn’t see stealing elections as something that is reprehensible, if he doesn’t see this as unconstitutional or behavior to condemn, then he is not fit to lead a political party,” adding that Hughes is being evasive and insincere.

According to him, the fact that Hughes is unwilling to acknowledge their party’s actions and take responsibility, establishes a lack of genuine commitment to political decency and respect for the people.

The general secretary reminded that the AFC together with the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R) allegedly colluded to spread false claims about voter fraud and impersonation.

Also, Opposition leader Aubrey Norton had publicly claimed he had in his possession; the statements of polls (SOPs) that proved the coalition had secured victory. However, these SOPs have not been presented to the public.

“I actually found this like unbelievable that they will even, they have to be very disrespectful of all of us, all Guyanese to think that we will buy the stupid explanations that they give,” he expressed.

He emphasised that Hughes dismissive tactics only serve as a distraction from the AFC’s role in attempted election rigging.

Meanwhile, Jagdeo hit back at Khemraj Ramjattan’s accusations of Russians meddling in the 2020 elections, dismissing it as ‘utter foolishness’. He questioned the possibility of this especially since voting is done manually in Guyana.

Dr Jagdeo could not find any comments that made sense to the common man which Ramjattan made at the press conference. He chided the AFC for being a spent force in the politics of Guyana, having no serious plans for development or to take Guyana forward.

“They have nothing” and “The AFC is dead”, he declared, as he continued his blistering criticisms of the AFC’s incompetence and lack of integrity.