January 22, 2025

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Abel Seetaram quits AFC

Resigned: Abel Seetaram

Former Region Five Councillor and Alliance For Change (AFC) member, Abel Seetaram, on
Monday, resigned from his party with immediate effect.
In a letter to AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, seen by this publication, Seetaram said his
decision to part ways with the AFC is a heavy-hearted one that happened after serious
consideration of several matters, one which included the party’s inability to make its own
decisions since joining the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) in 2015.
For five years under the coalition umbrella, Seetaram said the AFC leadership allowed the PNC
to make all the decisions in local and national governance.
“For five years we the members had to keep our mouths shut and allow the AFC failed
leadership to handle matters which were of importance and they were all overcome by the
APNU/PNC leadership. For five years the AFC leadership allows the APNU/PNC to do what
they want without voicing their concerns. For five years the AFC leadership had failed to address
several matters raised by its members concerning the overcoming and overpowered by the
APNU/PNC,” he stated in the letter to Ramjattan.
Noting that the AFC leadership did not stand up for its members’ rights when they were being
abused by PNC officials. He said decisions to close sugar estates with immediate effect, increase
land and drainage rental on farmers were all supported by the AFC in Cabinet.
“We all have a heart, we have a conscience and like me, many of my AFC brothers and sisters
were feeling the pain and were eaten from inside with what was going on and we can’t say
anything. Well, I said what I had to and faced what I had to,” he said, pertaining to many other
abuses he listed.
The former AFC official noted that the party lost its political will after five years because the
leadership had failed and continue to fail the party because of self-centred motives and agendas.
“The AFC I join since its formation is no more. The PNC swallows the AFC. The AFC cannot
stand anymore to represent its members nevertheless the public. It’s my firm belief that the AFC
has lost its footage and strength to continue in the political arena and the leadership seems to be
sucking up to everything that the PNC wants,” Seetaram stated.
He continued: “Everyone in this world makes mistakes and I am no exception but I believe that
this decision to leave the AFC at this time is one of the best because the AFC fails its members
since joining the coalition and continues to do so.”

He told Ramjattan in the letter that AFC members were muzzled for five long years by the PNC
and it is about time to breathe and speak of the things many experienced because of the failed
daily leadership.
“Over the years I also spoke up and out as to what was happening in the AFC regionally here in
Region Five. To date, none of the matters raised as to regional elections have ever been
addressed but simply dressed up to fit a few. I know I will be attacked by some of the national
and regional leaders and members of this party, but I say to you let those without sin cast the first
stone,” he stated in his resignation letter.