January 8, 2025

Around the Regions

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‘Survivor’s kit’ for victims of abuse launched by Human Services Ministry

Survivor’s Kit provided by the Human Services and Social Security Ministry

The Human Services and Social Security Ministry on Thursday, launched its ‘survivor’s kit’
initiative, geared to assist women who may be forced to evacuate their homes because of an
abusive relationship.

Dr. Vindhya Persaud, alongside survivors’ advocates with ‘Survivors’ Kit’.

The launch forms part of the ministry’s ongoing 16 days of activism against gender-based
violence. Human Services Minister, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, said the initiative is needed to combat
the growing social scourge. “When people want to leave abusive, violent relationships, they’ll
have a pack that has basic items. So, when they’re leaving, sometimes I know many of them
leave with just the clothing on their back and they are thinking, how can they help themselves in
that immediate moment, or in those immediate periods right after leaving,” the minister said.
Dr. Persaud who spearheaded the launch at her Lamaha Street office, disclosed that the care
packages contain basic necessities including toiletries, towels, masks, and food items, among
other things. She revealed that fifteen (15) persons are currently undergoing training through the
ministry’s survivor’s advocate initiative, to provide support and guidance to vulnerable persons.
At the launch, several advocates told the media that the packages are a ray of hope for victims.
June [only name given], an advocate said the packages might be small, but they send a
significant message to victims, letting them know that help is available. “These care packages
send a very strong message of hope. So, when the survivor gets this, this sends a message that
somebody cares. Human Services and Social Security Ministry cares, there is help out there and
there is hope for me. And this is what these packages represent for me. We know it looks like a
small package, but it’s the message behind the package-that you will be held and we are here for
you,” June said.
Ové [only name given], who is only twenty-one-year-old and the youngest advocate, expressed
similar sentiments. “It is more than just simple packages, it is giving persons hope, it is
communicating to persons that we care, we see what you are going through, we understand and
this is how we are trying to help you,” Ové stressed. Ms. McLennan, another advocate disclosed
that the content of the packages will increase in time. “It is something that is needed, it is a
minimal something right now, but it has the potential to be something more, and I think that is
what the survivor will look at. It is providing them with hope, that even if we didn’t leave home
with anything, we will still get something,” Ms. McLennan assured.
Meanwhile, the ministry announced plans to increase the team from 15 to over 30, thus ensuring
that every region has an advocate to help vulnerable persons. It was disclosed that survivor’s
advocates are accessible through the 914-emergency hotline. They are referred from the
probation department and are stationed at the ministry’s regional offices.