October 2, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

Region Four RDC staff left in the cold

PPP Councillor, Desmond Morian and AFC Councillor Neilson Mc Kenzie

COUNCILLORS representing the opposition A Partnership For National Unity Alliance For
Change (APNU+AFC) coalition for continued mistreatment by government representatives at the
Triumph, East Coast Demerara head office.
Abused RDC staffers might be at the receiving end of abuse having documented evidence of
alleged corruption and gross mismanagement by ruling Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C)
representatives aided and abetted by some APNU+AFC Regional Councillors.
“We have no one to turn to because it’s no secret that the PPP have several of the APNU+AFC
Councilors in their pockets as many of them believe that being a Regional Councillor is a ticket
to becoming rich overnight,” an employee divulged.
RDC staff complained that infighting among opposition RDC Councillors leave them with little
energy or interest to attend to affairs of the most populated of the 10 Administrative Regions and
workers welfare. Some told www.aroundtheregions.com while workers at the headquarters are
battling to remain employed because of unrelenting pressures from PPP/C member, the AFC has
seen it fit to rush headlong with a No Confidence Motion (NCM) against Vice Chairman (VC),
Samuel Sandy.
It is no secret that since 2015, the AFC has been peeved at not getting the VC position in the
Region Four RDC. Several members between 2015 and 2020 stymied the work of the Council
with perennial obstructionist behaviour.
“Instead of addressing the many grave concerns and injustices that are being meted out to us the
staff, you have the AFC councilors fighting with a no confidence motion. They are allowing this
to continue against us based on their stupidity,” one fed up employee noted.

The APNU+AFC representatives entered the 2020 RDC a disorganised bunch as several are
jockeying for the VC post primarily to serve their own interest, staffers told this media house on
conditions of strict anonymity.
“You have AFC’s Neilson Mc Kenzie and Amarnauth Chinkan who both served in the previous
council and were ineffective. Now they are fighting a younger and more effective Councillor for
the post of Vice Chairman. They are not interested in our sufferings but rather in promoting
themselves,” the employee stated in a matter-of-fact manner.
Serious allegations of corruption were levelled against McKenzie and Chinkan during the 2015 –
2020 David Granger administration. According to knowledgeable RDC Region Four sources the
AFC duo seem to be working relentlessly to pave the way for the PPP’s most experienced
Councilor, Desmond Morian to get the VC position as a payback to the APNU for denying them
the position in 2015 and 2020.
“There are some persons who evidently support the current VC (Sandy) and if they succeed in
removing him these persons will not support any other candidate and with both Mc Kenzie and
Chinkan fighting for the job there will be a split in votes. The PPP remains united about their
candidate so this is a remedy of elevating the PPP into the post,” some employees knowledgeable
of the infighting reasoned.
A disconsolate RDC employee said in-between tears the current members of Region Four RDC
are “the worst ever” in memory. Many employees leave the RDC on a daily basis unsure of what
to expect the following day.
“There are Regional Councillors more interested in positions than addressing employees
concerns and this is what we are forced to endured.”
Embattled Vice Chairman, Sandy confirmed while the NCM against Regional Chairman,
Daniel Seeram is discontinued, the AFC which has been the ‘Achilles Heel’ of the coalition
with the major partner APNU, is doggedly pursing hounding him out of office.

Photo Captions:
PPP Councillor, Desmond Morian and AFC