September 28, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

GPSU Message on the Occasion of Guyana’s 58th Independence Anniversary

President of GPSU, Patrick Yarde

On May 26, 1966 the Union Jack was lowered and the Golden Arrow Head was raised for the first time to reflect our Nation’s new sovereignty. We boast a prideful motto of “One People, One Nation, One Destiny”. The Independence March was a precursor to Republicanism where Guyana finally threw off the trappings of the centuries old coerced and imposed systems of constitutional monarchy to embark on the path of self-determination.

The road to political independence was marred with severe resistance, however overwhelming support came from the working class as national unity and internal self-government became the objective. The founding father of Trade Unionism in Guyana, Cde. Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow ideolised the need for Guyana to be politically independent, but this, he stated, would have been meaningless if society was not united and inclusive, while organized to benefit the working class and have justice delivered.

Today, 58 years since Prime Minister Forbes Burnham received the instrument of Independence, the working class struggles have multiplied, bad governance reigns, transparency and accountability is at cataclysmic levels and corruption disrupts and fragments the economic structures and social fabrics of our society, constitutional obligations are blatantly violated, breaches of fundamental principles and rights of workers continue, rampant inequalities in the distribution of resources, and the flight of skilled human capitals to foreign countries. Clearly, our society today is in a state of deterioration and national unity is at stake; it would be foolhardy to continue on this trajectory as there is presumptuous movements and placements of strategic military units and hardware at Guyana’s border. This conduct is contravening long standing agreements and settlements that threatens Guyana’s sovereignty, its territorial integrity, stability and peace within the Region.

From the perspective of Labour, non-compliances with the Occupational Safety and Health requirements are having undesirable effects, even the loss of lives. The absence of Judicial Independence and Prudence are counter-productive to upholding the Rule of Law and can undermine the integrity of this system of governance. Decisions delivered by the Judiciary have come under extensive scrutiny, suggestive of inappropriate Judgements.  Labour is under severe pressure to continue delivering Quality Public Services, the suppression of the right to organize and bargain collectively, Labour Law violations and the non-implementation of international standards that provide additional safeguards against impositions of Conditions of Service, abuses of Constitutional Rights, violence and harassments in the world of work.

The Guyana Public Service Union strongly condemns the manipulation in the political environment, and repeats the call for workers’ conditions of service to be improved within the context of due regard for the Collective Bargaining Process. How else can progress be measured when retrograde steps forfeit Law and Order; when regressive methods are employed as a substitute for Collective Bargaining; when profits trump working class needs.


On May 26, 2024 as we celebrate our 58th Anniversary as an Independent Nation there would be long speeches, commitments and promises to transform the lives of Guyanese. Let us, honestly, reflect on the foregoing state of affairs in our Society today and truly embark on righting all the wrongs that permeates the working class environment and to collectively work towards a common goal that benefits all, equally.  The Guyana Public Service Union remains optimistic about the future of Guyana despite the challenges faced by workers and the nation in a quickly transforming global environment plagued with mounting geo-political, environmental, and economic crises.  Importantly, we must leave a legacy of stability and economic prosperity for the future generations, while fulfilling the requirements of today’s society in a participatory framework of good governance. Great men and women have fought as a unified front to secure our Independent Status and it would be egregious to sow disunity at this particular time in our history.


It is the firm belief of the Guyana Public Service Union that much more can be done to enhance the lives of every Guyanese, utilizing available resources to improve conditions of service for workers, and restoring decency to professional occupations, by investing in the skilled human capital in an effort to stop their out-flux.


On behalf of the Executive Council and Members of the Guyana Public Service Union a Happy 58th Independence Anniversary is extended to all Guyanese. Let us all work together as a unified nation, confronting in harmony, the challenges before us internally and externally, while safeguarding our Rights, our Heritage and our Sovereignty as an Independent Nation.

Long live the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.