October 5, 2024

Around the Regions

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Contractual agreement not necessary for GOAL graduates – Min Singh

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh at budget estimate 2024

Recipients of the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarships do not have to enter into any contractual agreement with the government after their time of free learning.
This was asserted by the Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh when he was asked about the government’s approach to scholarships.
“It isn’t quite the case that recipients of GOAL scholarship are not required to serve, except that they are not required to enter a contractual agreement with the government to work in the public sector. Whereas recipients of the Government of Guyana scholarships typically have a contract and a contractual obligation to serve in the public domain,” Dr Singh explained during the consideration of estimates and expenditures for the 2024 budget Friday last.
With similar courses being offered at both the GOAL and UG levels, the minister said the distinction between the two highlights the advantage of choices and alternatives that are being made available to young people.
“What GOAL does is that it still gives them the option to pursue higher technical and tertiary education were they so to desire using the online modality of delivery. What GOAL does is that it also offers a wider range of training options,” the senior minister stated.
“The overwhelming majority of the employment opportunities existed in the public sector. That over time has changed and there is a new and emergent private sector and a rapidly growing private sector,” Dr Singh added.
The government is creating an environment where everyone can explore several opportunities that are being created so that the country can continue its rapid development.
Minister Singh explained that the number of persons benefited from government scholarships as well as persons being employed in the public and private sectors, does not hinder the country’s growth, since both industries are contributing to the nation’s progress.