October 26, 2024

Around the Regions

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US reaffirms ‘unwavering support’ for Guyana’s sovereignty

Joe Biden

With Venezuela announcing administrative measures to annex Guyana’s Essequibo County and ordering investors to exit the economic zone within three months, the United States of America (USA) has expressed ‘unwavering support’ for Guyana’s sovereignty.

A release from the Department of State on Wednesday, December 6 noted that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken conversed with Guyana’s President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali where the country’s position was reaffirmed.

Secretary Blinken also reiterated the call for a peaceful resolution to the controversy and for all parties to respect the 1899 Arbitral Award, which determines the land boundary between Venezuela and Guyana.

“Unless, or until, the parties reach a new agreement, or a competent legal body decides otherwise,” the statement added.

Both Secretary Blinken and President Ali noted the International Court of Justice (ICJ) order issued on December 1, which called for parties to refrain from any action that might aggravate or extend the controversy.

The US Secretary of State also restated that the US looks forward to working closely with Guyana once it assumes its non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in January 2024.

“The two leaders concluded the call by agreeing upon the importance of maintaining a peaceful and democratic Western Hemisphere,” the release noted.

Meanwhile, Guyana is working with international allies to ensure that the Spanish-speaking country does not act in a ‘reckless’ manner, which can lead to instability in the western hemisphere.

Guyana is engaged with its partners in CARICOM, the Commonwealth, the Organisation of American States (OAS), the United States Department of Defense, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), among others.
The World Court has already ruled that Venezuela should not take any action to annex Guyana’s Essequibo Region. Guyana is adamant that the decades-old controversy must be settled peacefully and diplomatically by the duly constituted legislative body, the ICJ.