October 7, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

SKN Labour government promises transparency, accessibility

SKN Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Marcus Natta

CABINET SECRETARY DR MARCUS NATTA HAS PROMISED transparency by the Labour government and the public once again enjoying access to government information throughout the next five years.

This is the stated policy of the St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) government headed by Cuba and US-trained medical specialist and Prime Minister, Dr Terrance Drew, which won the August 5th polls toppling the seven-year administration of the coalition Team Unity headed by Dr Timothy Harris.   

“Dr Drew has highlighted that he wants the government to be transparent. He wants information to be accessible not withstanding of course that we cannot divulge certain things but he definitely wants there to be a lot more information available to the general public and that bodes well for me for any government” Dr Natta explained in a telephone interview with www.aroundtheregions.com recently following his swearing-in ceremony.

However, Natta was unable to say “if there will be post-cabinet press conferences. I cannot say at this time,” Natta counselled.

Natta recalled the Harris administration hoarded and withheld information from Kittitians and Nevisians leading to wild speculation and rumour-mongering.

Transparency help build community trust; helps generate new ideas; empower citizens and attracts more citizens to the incumbent government. It also helps professionalise public sector employees, boost the national economy and increase community engagement.

“We cannot continue to keep certain things that the public need to know from them, because that’s when you get rumours and other things happening,” Natta observed.

In his considered opinion, once the information wouldn’t threaten national security, it will be made available to the nation’s citizens.

The Cabinet Secretary in the recent interview, batted for the free and easy flow of information in Basseterre, noting it reduces media operatives hounding government ministers or other senior government officials, for information.

“Just as a citizen before getting into anything that there needs to be a lot more information. I believe things like the INTEGRITY IN PUBLIC LIFE ACT that has been sitting there for a while; things like the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT…if they are really activated these help the press to not always try to…squeeze information out of some ministers,” he explained.

“Unless it’s some information that is of national security and I can’t divulge (because) you take oaths of secrecy in terms of cabinet matters, but outside of that any information that I know is pertinent to the public to help them in any way to help them. I will advocate for it to be shared whether it is by my office or the Prime Minister’s Office,” Natta promised.

Prime Minister, Dr. Terrence Drew

When he accepted the offer from PM Drew, he told a small circle of his family and asked that the good news be kept secret.

“My immediate family knew that the position was asked of me, and my mother is very happy about it. She knows that I worked hard. She knows that I am qualified and capable of doing it, but it was asked to be kept confidential so that’s not something that I have broadcasted to the wider family. but I believe that the family is very proud hearing the news,” he explained.

Dr. Natta continued, “This position is a public servant position. I remember when I came back from studies and started working in the public sector, government employees would ask me what I am doing, and I say that I work on behalf of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. That has always been my stance. So, I am a public servant. I am there because the people want me there, they wanted the government there and the government appointed me so that’s how I look at it,” he noted philosophically.

Prior to his new appointment, Dr. Natta served as the Science and Research Manager at the St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards.